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06 • NOT A FAN



Our last class for today had ended and I told Yeonji to just wait for me at the school's gate since I have to meet with Mr. Han.

I walked my way towards the faculty with thoughts running through my mind like, "Did I have an almost failing grade?" "Is he gonna give me a project for it?" "Did I do something wrong?"

And before I knew it, I was infront of the faculty room and all I needed to do was knock when the door opened revealing Mr. Han, a book and attendance record in hand. I bowed out of respect.

"Oh, hi there Ms. Kim," he greeted and closed the door. "I just need you to go to the rooftop, other information will be told to you there. That's all. Please excuse me, I'm gonna be late for class." he said and gave me a small smile while I nodded and gave a polite smile in return.

I then walked to my left where the stairs towards the rooftop was located. I walked and walked until I reached the rooftop's door and brought my phone out, remembering that Yuju was waiting for me by the school gate's entrance.

I sent her a text saying that I need more minutes and I'll be out. I waited for her reply before turning the knob and stepping in the rooftop.

I walked around carefully, looking if ever a person was also around, and I was right.

By the left corner of the rooftop, there stood a person whose back was facing me. I walked close to take a look and realized that it was actually Byun Baekhyun.

"Hello?" I said, gaining his attention, making him turn around me.

He flashed a smile the moment he saw me and started walking towards my way and I stop on my tracks. His hands were on his pants' pockets, which was actually the school's pants, and I realize that he was wearing the school's uniform.

"Hi," he said, removing one hand from his pocket and waving towards me. "I just want to talk to you about something." He said and kept smiling.

"Um, okay?" I awkwardly replied. I know I looked like I was judging him, but it was hard not to, cause first, we didn't even know each other. Well, I do know him by his name.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun," he said, stretching out the hand he used to wave at me. "Nice meeting you."

"Um, yeah, I know you, by name," I said. "But, nice meeting you, too." I said, still awkwardly standing.

Silence have ensued until he cleared his throat and looked at me while pointing at his stretched out arm.

"I'm waiting?" he hesitantly said, and I just realized that he wanted a handshake.

"Oh!" I said and immediately grabbed his hand, shaking it, and quickly removing mine from his.

"Um, so what is it that you want to talk about?" I asked. I'm not impatient, but he looked as if he really needed to tell me something.

"Ah, that," he said and rubbed the back of his neck before looking at me again, his smile not disappearing. "I just want to thank you for the other day, giving me your seat." he added, shyly smiling.

I just stood there, mouth hung open, and dumbfounded. This guy really called me out here just to tell me that? Unbelievable.

Should I consider myself lucky?

"Excuse me?" I said, taking a step forward while still processing what the guy infront of me just said. "You called me out here just to say that?" I asked and he just nodded.

"Stupid, isn't it?" he said.

"Pretty much," I said, straightening my posture. "You really didn't have to do it, anyone would do the same if ever. Plus, you look really troubled." I added, crossing my arms while averting my gaze from his eyes.

Just like what I told the first time I saw him, his eyes are attractive.

"Believe me, no one would do that with the same thoughts as you," He added while chuckling with his low voice.

"My friend did tell me about that," I replied and he chuckled once again, as if what I said was actually humorous.

"But anyways, I want to ask you something," he said and straigtened his posture as well, putting his hands back to his pocket.

"What is it?" I replied, attempting to look at him but decided to just keep looking at the trees below.

"Are you a fan of mine?" he asked. I almost scoffed at his question but thought that he might have something else to say regarding what I did two days ago.

Just please, don't be a weird one, please. I thought and continued to stare at the trees.

"I'm not a fan of yours." I said flatly looking at him, and I saw surprise in his eyes for a moment before it vanished.

"Good," he said and started walking towards me once again.

• • •

"Okay, so Byun Baekhyun called out for you just so he could thank you?! Girl! You're lucky!" Yuju screamed, shaking my soul out of my body while the two boys behind us were stiffling a laugh.

"Not anyone can experience what you just did! You definitely should consider yourself lucky!" she squealed once again, gaining the attention of the others in the street.

I gave the an apologetic smile and continued walking.

"Am I, really?" I asked, looking at the piece of paper with a number written in it.

"Of course you are," Jongin said, eating his ice pop that he bought from the convenience store we just walked pass by.

"You even got his number!" Chanyeol screamed while pointing at the paper I was holding, then taking a bite of his ice cream.

"It's not his number," I said and lazily rolled my eyes, thinking about what kind of situation I just got in.

"Okay," Yuju said, mocking me, crossing her arms while looking at me with a teasing look. "Then whose is it?"

"Just some random person who threw their phone number away." I said and crumbled the paper, throwing it at the nearest bin I saw.

The three just nodded, still giving me that knowing look, and just continued walking to our own houses.


siijaye's note: 091819

Should I say that this is their first interaction? But, hey! They finally talked! But about what, though?

Find out on the next chapter!

Have a lovely day!

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