sixteen²: here and together

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Jeongguk sat in his seat uncomfortably, taking small peaks at Jimin and Taehyung as they were murmuring something in English on the couch. It was hard to concentrate on his own English lessons with the events that just took place.

"Anyways," Jimin spoke in his normal voice. "Jihyo wanted me to invite you to lunch. Jeongguk should join too."

Jeongguk head snapped to look at the two at mention of his name. Jimin looked at the boy and smiled. "Would you like to join my sister and I for lunch, Jeongguk-sshi? Tae will be there too."

"Oh I shouldn't..." Jeongguk trailed but Jimin shook his head.

"Oh no, you definitely should. It'll only be us three plus you so feel comfortable. Please?" Jimin said, and his words has this way of persuasion that Jeongguk just couldn't find himself saying no to.

"Well, alright. Thank you," Jeongguk said and gave in.

"Great!" Jimin cheered. "Love your outfits right now but if you would like to change, now's the time. But no need to dress up, something casual."

Jeongguk and Taehyung chuckled before they both got out their seat and began walking to their room. When they met right in front of their bedroom doors, the two looked at each other.

"We need to talk," Taehyung said sounding worried.

Jeongguk nodded. "We will, I promise."

Taehyung finally looked relieved and nodded as well. They shared a smile and went into their rooms. As soon as Jeongguk shut the door, he took in a deep breath. At least now he had some time to gather all his thoughts first so he wasn't just a stuttering mess.

Jeongguk buried his face in his hands, not believing he did that – he kissed Taehyung. It's been so long but god did it feel good. It felt right. Jeongguk had his doubts until the very moment their lips touched, then he knew he was going down the right path. Jeongguk sighed and came back to planet earth, remembering why he came into his room.

He went over to the closet he set up, trying to find something casual but not too casual, he had no clue where these rich people would take him. He settled on a pair of jeans and a black shirt tucked in, throwing over a tan full sleeve with all the button's undone. He put on a belt and decided to roll up the sleeve until his elbow. Looking at himself in the mirror, he wondered if he was still leaning on the too casual side. Jeongguk decided to add a silver ring and a white bracelet on the opposite hand. A small spritz of cologne and he was done.

By pure coincidence, Jeongguk and Taehyung opened their doors at the same times. Taehyung wore tan pants with a white and red blouse tucked in all around, showing off his broad chest and long legs. He had a beautiful red earring on one side of ear. Jeongguk hadn't even noticed his ears were pierced until then.

"You look good," Taehyung said, breaking the silence.

"You too," Jeongguk replied. The two awkwardly nodded and went over to Jimin.

"Let's take my car, my driver will you drop you off after," Jimin said getting up from the couch and shoving his phone in his pocket. "I call shotgun!"

The car ride was filled with Jimin's heated conversation with someone on the phone in the front while Taehyung and Jeongguk sat in the back in silence. Jeongguk stared out the window, admiring the city view. As the car shakes and moves while they ride, suddenly Jeongguk felt contact from the hand that rested on the empty middle seat.

Jeongguk's finger's immediately curled inwards, his eyes shooting down to see Taehyung's hand not too far. Jeongguk gazed up at Taehyung, but the man stared at the two hands with a frown. Jeongguk slowly relaxed his hands, letting the finger's spread out again. He watched as Taehyung's expression changed, now confused.

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