five²: a new start

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Jeongguk dropped all his things and fell onto his couch, not even bothering to turn on a light. He stared at his ceiling, not having an ounce of energy left in his body. It was just him, his thoughts, and the dark room.

He couldn't help but want to believe this was all a sick nightmare, but everything felt too real.

Jeongguk sighed. He forced himself up and turned on the kitchen lights. He opened his fridge — his very empty fridge, reminding him he needed to go grocery shopping soon. He moved onto his cupboard. Instant ramen it is once again.

The man decided to take a shower before, hoping it would get him a little more motivated to not just head straight to bed. Once done with that, Jeongguk threw on some comfortable clothing. He had some random variety show playing on his laptop as background sound while he made his ramen.

He didn't have it in him to prepare anything more than an egg to go along with his dinner. Jeongguk plopped himself down on his couch, and watched the remains of the show as he munched down his early dinner.

In the middle somewhere, his phone began buzzing. When he read the contact name, Jeongguk's face instantly brightened. He put down his food and paused the show.

"Namjoonie-hyung!" Jeongguk said as he picked up the phone.

"Hello, Jeongguk-ah," the man said back.

They started off with their usual conversation, how are you, did you eat, etc.. Of course Jeongguk got a big scolding for eating ramen for dinner.

"I called you a few days ago but you never picked up," Namjoon said.

Jeongguk knotted his brow, trying to remember if he saw it in his missed call. "Oh really? Sorry, I didn't see. Was it an urgent matter?"

"Actually..." Namjoon started. "Taehyung contacted me."

Jeongguk's smile dropped. "Oh."

"He said he's moved back to Korea. He wanted to meet you before you bumped into each other somewhere and became awkward. Clear the air, I guess."

"Well too late for that," Jeongguk said back.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" he asked, and so Jeongguk told him all about his day and the unexpected reunion.

"I think I just heard the plot of a K-Drama," Namjoon said with a laugh.

"Oh shut up, nothing about this is funny. God, how am I supposed to go to work now?" Jeongguk groaned.

"Aren't you over him?"

"Yeah but just looking at him makes me angry."

It was silent for a bit before Namjoon broke it. "I don't get it, why are you mad at him?"

Jeongguk frowned. "Because... He gave up on us. He didn't try to get through all the hardships with me, he just ended it like that. You know how much I went through after that."

He heard Namjoon sigh. "I know, Gguk. But being in that relationship wasn't good for you either."

"Which would be short term! Once he finished his studies, if Taehyung came back–"

"What if he didn't? What if he continued his career as he did now? Even you wouldn't have let him come back with all the opportunities he had in America."

Jeongguk thought about that. He was never able to convince himself Taehyung didn't come back to Korea because of him, because it wasn't. Taehyung loved most two people in this world: Mr. Kim and Jeongguk. Taehyung would've surely come back for his father, but he decided to stay.

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