seven²: drunk kisses

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"Cheers!" everyone screamed, clinking their glasses together in the middle. Jeongguk retrieved his cup and gulped the alcohol all down in one shot.

"Woah there, Jeongguk-sshi," Yoona commented along with everyone that looked at him with wide eyes. Jeongguk ignored his colleagues and poured himself another glass.

"Anyways, we are here to welcome Director and Team Leader Kim to Lee's!" Eric began and everyone clapped (except Jeongguk of course).

Taehyung nodded with a smile and thanked the man. He couldn't help but steal a glance at Jeongguk, who chose to sit the farthest from him, when he drank his second drink down in one sip.

"Mr. Cha, would you like some help with the grill?" Taehyung asked watching the youngest struggle cutting the meat into bite size pieces.

Eunwoo gave him a smile. "Ah, no it's okay Team Leader!"

Jeongguk glared at Taehyung, getting angry seeing how kind Taehyung was being. He wished he'd just been a terrible guy— it would've been easier to hate him. When Taehyung caught his eyes again, the boy kept his mean stare, confusing the other.

"Ah!" Eunwoo hissed, dropping the tong and bringing his hand to his chest.

Jeongguk broke his state and was immediately off his seat and beside Eunwoo. "Are you okay?" Jeongguk asked, leaning towards him to check his hand.

"Sorry, yes," the younger replied, showing him his finger that ever so lightly grazed the hot flame.

Jeongguk sighed. He patted Eunwoo's shoulder and said, "I'll take care of this, go sit there."

"Why didn't you just do it when we asked you first?" Chaeyoung asked him with a brow shot up.

Jeongguk took his seat and looked at the girl with a mocking pout. "Because I didn't feel like it."

Jeongguk began to work at the grill, doing his best not to look up as his new seat was right in front of Taehyung. Whenever a meat was cooked enough, Jeongguk would place it someone's plate. All except for Taehyung, who for some reason also didn't try to take a piece of his own.

Jeongguk sighed quietly before picking up a piece of the pork and placed it on Taehyung's plate. He let himself look up for a second to catch Taehyung's smile. "Thank you," he said, and Jeongguk nodded in reply.

Some time went on with everyone laughing, talking, and eating, excluding Jeongguk who just kept taking in drink after drink to get his lightweight self drunk as fuck. It was one of those days where he just wanted to not think about literally every little thing. As he got tipsier, he forgot he was trying to avoid looking into Taehyung eyes – his very concerned looking eyes.

"Let's play a game," Jisoo yelled out, also pretty drunk. The only one who hadn't drank that night thus far was Taehyung.

"Never have I ever?" Jin asked, raising his hands and spreading his fingers. Almost everyone immediately agreed, bringing up their finger's too, and Jeongguk lazily joined in.

"Okay, I'll start. Never have I ever been fired from a job," Sohye said. Jeongguk and Jisoo put their finger down.

Jeongguk had been fired from his first job at a fast food restaurant for going for break then falling asleep with his earbuds plugged in for the rest of the shift. That probably would've been a left off with a warning if Jeongguk hadn't accidentally locked the employees room and kept all the keys with him. No matter how much they knocked, the boy just couldn't hear.

They then went on in a circle, all saying stupid or silly things and when it came to Jeonngguk's turn, he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to be actually participating in the game. He had gotten what he wanted. Jeongguk was drunk as fuck.

kiss me now [taekook] ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant