eight: celebration*

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This was it. Graduation.

Many kids have been looking forward to this day for what seemed like forever. The end of a chapter, leading to the beginning of another. Another milestone reached in the adventure they call life. Truly a special day for all.

Taehyung cleared his throat, the sound echoing through the auditorium and getting everyone's attention. He was going to pass down the valedictorian speech the next person in line, but something in him told him to go for it.

Everyone stared intently as Taehyung blinked his eyes nervously, then caught Jeongguk's in the crowd, who threw him a cute thumbs up and all of it faded away.

"Hello, everyone. For those of you who may not know me, I'm Kim Taehyung," he started. He heard the students giggle because who the hell doesn't know the top student and on top of that, Jeongguk's boyfriend??

"And for those who do, hey friends. Friends, that's something I never thought I might have. You may laugh, but I seriously didn't think so. These past three years, I've really understood, and I still am, the value of that friendship, as we all may have. Our teacher before we came down here said to us this isn't a class, but a family. We all thought it was cheesy, but deep down, we knew exactly what he meant..." 

Taehyung continued, not a stutter to his words nor a hesitating pause. He had flown off script, but he said everything he wanted to and more. Once he had ended, the student body broke out into cheers and laughs, and a lot more tears as they hugged one another and threw their hats into the air.

As Taehyung walked down from the stage, he saw Jeongguk running over to him. Taehyung didn't even need to think, it was like instinct now. He opened his arms and welcomed the big hug.

"You were amazing," Jeongguk praised, looking at the boy.

"Thank you," Taehyung replied, still holding the boy in his arms.

"Hey lovebirds! Come take group photos with us!" Hoseok called out. Taehyung and Jeongguk shared a laugh before running over to their friends.

After a few snaps, Taehyung pulled Jeongguk aside.

"What's up?" Jeongguk asked, confused.

Taehyung smiled and lead him to their classroom. Jeongguk followed without questioning his intentions. As soon as they got into the room, Jeongguk ran up to his desk. His fingers ghosted over his seat that held memories of his school life, his teachers, his classmates, his friends, and his Taehyung.

"Congratulations," he heard Taehyung say. Jeongguk turned around to see the other and his smile only widened. Taehyung stood there with a bouquet of daisies. He walked over to Jeongguk, placing the bouquet softly in his hand. "You made it," he whispered.

"We made it," Jeongguk corrected. He looked at the pretty daisies, wondering how Taehyung managed to hide it from him. He set them on his desk so that he could hug the other. Taehyung returned the hug, both just holding each other tightly.

"Thank you," Jeongguk said.

After some time, Jeongguk's phone began buzzing. He pulled it out, still keeping the contact. Dozens of notification from his parents flooded the screen. He was supposed to meet them. They could only come for a few hours and would leave on the next train to visit one of their customers who had a complaint about something, so Jeongguk couldn't even go back home with them. Jeongguk definitely couldn't miss this. Plus, Taehyung's dad was probably waiting for him too.

"You better come with me to the celebration party," Jeongguk said after explaining that his parents wanted to see their son. Taehyung had been groaning about that kaoraoke party, trying to worm his way out of it. Without hearing the boy's answer since it didn't matter anyways, Jeongguk dashed out with the flowers.

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