four²: panic mode

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"Okay, okay, breathe Jeongguk. Just breathe," he whispered to himself, head down and hands on his neck. As soon as Taehyung and the CEO lead the way inside, Jeongguk managed to slip away from everyone and lock himself in the closest bathroom. He felt bad for locking the door as soon as he made sure no one was in any of the stalls, but this was an emergency.

He had freaked out for a good few minutes, convinced himself he was hallucinating but then scratched that out. All Jeongguk could do now was face him. Yup, he could do this. After all, he was going to be their team's new leader and the department's Director so he'd be seeing him a lot more often. Every weekday, bright and early, they'll even need to interact– oh there comes the panic again.

"No, Jeongguk. You got this. It's just your ex-boyfriend from seven years ago, no biggie." Jeongguk looked at himself in the mirror again. He shook his head and made sure there was no nervousness showing through. He then walked straight out of the bathroom and up to their team office.

"Oh, there you are. They're waiting for you in the Director's office," Jin said to him as soon as the man walked in. Jeongguk thanked the other and walked to the other office. At where his desk stood, the secretary from earlier was there typing away on her tablet.

Jeongguk's footstep sounds got her to look up. As soon as she spotted him, she gave him a bright smile.

She reached out her hand and said, "Kim Sohye, Mr. Kim's secretary slash assistant. Nice to meet you."

Jeongguk returned the smile as he shook her hand and introduced himself too. He retrieved his hand and took a quick peak into the office but didn't see anyone inside.

"Mr. Kim is currently chatting with the President. He should be back soon," she told him.

"Ohh," Jeongguk sounded, nodding.

"So I'm sure you've been informed of how our positions are going to change?"

Jeongguk gave an awkward laugh. "No, I haven't actually." He loves how his company told them literally nothing about any of this.

"Oh, that's odd. Well we were informed that you held a dual position here, one of them being the Director's secretary?" She waited for Jeongguk confirmation before continuing.

"As you already have all the experience working with the company and in this department, we hoped you'd stay with the new Director as well. I'll be here for two more weeks to help Mr. Kim get adjusted to here and you adjusted to him."

Jeongguk nodded, trying to process all of it. At least he wasn't losing his job. He wished he had been informed of this earlier but even then, he would've been just as shocked as he was at the moment. There was no way Taehyung didn't know it was Jeongguk who would be in the position.

"Well did Mr. Kim view over my profile?" he asked. It was an odd question to be frank, but Sohye didn't inquire about it.

"Kind of."

Ha, he knew it. Did he pretend to be shocked then?

"He knew you were a male," she continued.

Jeongguk knotted his brow on why that would be relevant.

She lowered her tone as she explained. "There were nasty rumours about us in the office just recently. He was hoping to avoid that."

Jeongguk nodded again. So Taehyung was in the same spot as he was.

"Ah! There he is," Sohye said looking behind Jeongguk. She gave a quick bow. "I hoped it wasn't too difficult finding your way here."

"Not at all, the tour helped."

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