seven: adorable

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"Another," Jeongguk demanded, eyes still closed, lips curved in a big smile and slightly pouted out. Taehyung giggled and leaned in, leaving a quick peck on the boy's lips.

Jeongguk squealed as he did every time it happened. "Another," he repeated.

"No," Taehyung said in a playful tone, uncrossing his legs and walking back to Jeongguk's dinner table, where all his material was laid out.

"Whyyy?" Jeongguk whined. He put his chin on the edge of couch to look at Taehyung as it faced away from the table and pouted, eyes big.

"Because, I came here to study," he explained, taking a seat. Taehyung grabbed his pencil and picked up where he left off. "And you should too," he added. "The exam is right around the corner." He looked at Jeongguk, smiling seeing the boy giving him puppy dog eyes. Taehyung sighed, "c'mere."

Jeongguk's face instantly brightened. He jumped off his couch and basically bounced his way to the chair beside Taehyung.

"Yes?" he asked, smile wide. He blinked his eyes all prettily, and even though Taehyung knew what the younger was trying to do, his heart couldn't help but beat so fast.

Taehyung stared at the boy for a bit too long. He finally realized and snapped back to reality, reminding himself of why he called him over. "Let's study together! I'm going over mathematics right now, well calculus. Let's do a practice test and mark for each other."

"Mathematics..." Jeongguk repeated quietly, tone filled with disgust and disappointment, also wondering who even says mathematics. Taehyung does. Of course he does. Jeongguk found that absolutely adorable. He sighed, closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, his bright smile was back on like he just flicked a switch. "Let's do it!" he said with as much enthusiasm he could muster up.

The next half hour was spent doing a past math test Taehyung managed to get from a teacher. Taehyung finished before the other, so he took it as the perfect opportunity to appreciate the art that is Jeongguk. He watched the boy bite and purse his lips as he tried to solve an equation, and then in the end just circling whatever "felt" right to him. He found that absolutely adorable — a little concerning, but adorable.

"Ooh! For every wrong answer, they get a flick on their forehead!" Jeongguk had suggested in the middle somewhere. Taehyung wasn't all too sure about it, but agreed thinking it might motivate the other a little more.

Once Jeongguk was done, they switched papers. Taehyung placed the answer sheet in front of them. The two immediately began marking. Jeongguk smiled proudly seeing Taehyung's near perfect mark, he just got one out of thirty questions wrong. The smile faltered when he took a glance at his own sheet, seeing all the red circles. Taehyung looked at him with a sheepish smile.

"How many?" Jeongguk asked, already regretting the punishment he thought of. Taehyung kept quiet and Jeongguk repeated his question.

"Just three wrong," the other muttered. Jeongguk raised a brow, waiting for the real answer. "Okay, sixteen," he admitted. Jeongguk sighed, but readjusted his seat to face Taehyung.

"You first!" Jeongguk said. He brought his hand up and flicked the boy's forehead, Taehyung face scrunching up. Jeongguk really didn't hold back. He let out a huff of air then said, "Okay, sixteen, no more, no less!"

Taehyung unsurely brought his finger up. Jeongguk closed his eyes tight, waiting for the impact but all he felt was a light tap. He opened his eyes. "Tae," he whined, "Do it properly!"

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