six²: memories

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"It's here!" Sohye said excitedly, coming in with a box on top another that covered her face. Jeongguk immediately got out of his seat to go help her carry one of the boxes.

"Okay, your box has all the last drawer things and I have the microwave Mr. Kim ordered," Sohye informed him. Jeongguk nodded. He wondered how the girl managed to carry both the boxes all the way up to the office.

His eyes widened as Sohye held the box with one hand to open the door. She pushed it open more with her back, Jeongguk quickly catches it before it closed. They walked into the empty office as Taehyung was currently in a meeting.

"Okay, you unload everything in the drawer, there's no specific arrangement, and I'll try to set up this microwave," Sohye instructed, immediately getting to work.

Jeongguk frowned. He could clearly tell the microwave was for saving time instead of going out and buying lunch or dinner. Did the man really have to work that hard?

Jeongguk wished he had could put in this much enthusiasm into his work as he watched Sohye clap her hands opening it. He carefully place the box down on the desk, make sure there was nothing underneath. He teared at the tape, not even wanting to use scissors to just cut it open afraid he might accidentally cut something he was supposed to.

After many failed attempts with his short nails, he got all the tape off and finally opened the box. There were a couple medals, one he recognized as the valedictorian one, a scarf that Jeongguk knew belonged to Mrs. Kim, and some pictures of his family. Other than that, there laid a blue metal box. He took it out carefully, not knowing what could be inside.

He probably shouldn't have, but his curiosity got the best of him. Jeongguk lifted the two clasps and opened the box, and boy did he regret it. He felt like someone jabbed a dagger through his heart as he looked at the contents.

Jeongguk's hand first picked up the hearts and cloud shaped sticky notes. He never knew until this day, even when they were dating, that he kept these. He flipped through a few of them.

honey butter chips for my honey <33

rose are red, violets are blue, eat these cookies that i made just for you! (ikik i suck at poetry)

what do you gotta be so cute for )):

pretty angel, you're so sweet, never change pls

smile! i wanna see you're gorgeous smile or else i'll be very very upset

knock knock. who's there? strawberry milk. strawberry milk who? i'm sorry i forgot the joke oops

And of course:

Eat. You're skinny like a stick. Like the sticks in this chip. Eat the chip, but don't become the chip.

And about a hundred more. It was a whole stack, and not the only one at that. He kept each and every single one of them. Jeongguk sucked in his breath and put it back carefully, now reaching for all the Polaroids and photo booth strips they had taken together.

He flipped through them, remembering the exact moments, the exact feelings from all of them even though it was years before. He placed those back as well. Jeongguk wasn't really able to look at any of the things inside that box for more than a few minutes, it just hurt too much. He couldn't do that to himself.

The light then caught the locket. Jeongguk picked it up and dangled it in front of him. It was the same one. Jeongguk opened it, seeing the picture of himself that he had put in there. He instantly closed it with a snap, beginning to feel a little sick at that point.

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