twenty-five²: going home

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Jeongguk went over the plan a few more times. He could barely sit still in his seat from how excited he was, almost as excited to see his old classmates again. Taehyung, on the other hand, looked nervous as hell as it was his first prank after all.

He got Hoseok and Sooyoung's word of secrecy so it should all go smoothly. Jeongguk was to get off a block away and walk in. Taehyung would wait in the parking lot and enter at Jeongguk's signal.

"Is over there good, baby?" Taehyung asked motioning his chin to the side of the road while he slowed down the car.

"Mhm," Jeongguk nodded and Taehyung pulled over. Jeongguk went over the plan with him one more time before he drove off. The walk to their school wasn't too long, less than ten minutes.

As he stepped foot inside, he couldn't help but think about all the beautiful moments he's experienced in the very place. He walked through hallways he and his friends used to run around with their snacks, saw the classrooms he used to have class with some of his favourite teachers, passed the storage room Jeongguk always dragged Taehyung to makeout, the memories felt fresh.

"Jeon Jeongguk!" a voice yelled his name as soon as he entered his school's gymnasium.

"Kim Yerim!" Jeongguk gasped and the girl immediately ran over to him, engulfing him in a tight hug that Jeongguk immediately returned.

"God, you don't look a day over twenty," Jeongguk said pulling away. The woman smiled and flipped her hair dramatically.

"Well would I be a beautician if my skincare routine wasn't bomb?" she said and Jeongguk chuckled.

"C'mon, let's go meet the others," Yerim said, hooking her arm with Jeongguk. "I honestly thought you wouldn't be coming tonight."

"Really? Why?"

"You know, the thought of seeing Taehyung again must feel pretty weird right? But good on you for putting that aside."

Jeongguk nodded and did his best the hide the smile. This prank was going to be so good. They met with some friends Jeongguk used to talk to and everyone instantly reconnecting. They caught up on life, relationships, families and whatnot.

"Shit, don't look now but Taehyung just walked into the room," Hoseok said as Jeongguk instructed and he did his best not to show any reactions as all heads but his turned towards him.

"God, no wonder he became a model. Honestly, Jeongguk, being with guys that are way too perfect could be so bothersome. It's a good thing you two ended it," Hyejoong said, taking a sip of her drink.

"I know right. It'll feel like you have to constantly reach their level," Junhee added and Jeongguk frowned. He understood his friends were just trying to make him feel better but it all got too real all of a sudden. He couldn't stop himself from taking a step back and listening to their words. Taehyung was totally out of his league.

"It's whatever, guys. I'm glad he's doing well," Jeongguk muttered.

"You're just so thoughtful, Gguk. Oh, but did you hear about the scandal he was involved in with his secretary? I honestly don't believe it was a ploy, it's what all big celebrities do."

"Mhm. They date and ditch. Even if they're in a relationship."

"I'm sure it wasn't like that," Jeongguk said, wondering where this was even going. He looked at Hoseok for help but the man looked as clueless as him.

"Why are you defending him, Jeongguk? We heard about what happened, the break up was totally unfair to you."

"It should've happened sooner, you deserve much better than him. He's not the right guy for you."

kiss me now [taekook] ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें