four: first kiss

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Recess began and the students were chattering. Jeongguk was inquiring Taehyung about the book he was currently reading when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Pilsoo, a junior he had befriended on the first day of orientation for the first years at that time. Since then, Jeongguk has made sure to wave or call him out whenever he saw him. Another reason Jeongguk could never forget him was because of when he had helped the boy figure out he was bisexual. Pilsoo always came to him for help with any dilemma.

"Pilsoo-ah, what brings you here?" Jeongguk yelled, grabbing the younger's hand and swinging it wildly.

"Um, can we talk for a bit?" Pilsoo said, his voice quieter than usual.

"Hmm? Yeah sure!"

"Somewhere a bit more private, maybe?"

Jeongguk squinted his eyes and leaned up closer to boy. He whispered-yelled, "You didn't get a girl pregnant, did you?"

"What? H-Hyung, no! It's something else."

The older nodded slowly. He got up and pinched the bridge of Taehyung's nose. "I'll be back, don't miss me too much!"

Jeongguk followed Pilsoo out of the classroom and to the stairs that would lead to the basement. No one came around there since the basement was prohibited to students so it was empty and silent. Jeongguk waited for the boy to say something, but the other looked quite nervous so the older let him take his time.

Finally, he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and pulled out a lightly crumpled pink envelope. Straightening the piece, Pilsoo stretched it out towards to older and bowed, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Hyung, I like you!"

Jeongguk was shocked. It was his first confession from a boy and the first confession he's gotten since he's come out. He was flabbergasted, not knowing what to say. Pilsoo raised his head, still holding out the letter.

"You dont have to say a-anything! I wanted to tell you before you graduated. A-And I wrote down everything I wanted to say in here, so p-please accept it! I'd greatly appreciate it if you would at least give me a chance."

"P-Pil, I-I..." Jeongguk remained silent for a moment but took the letter into his hands. The younger finally made eye contact with him. "I'm flattered really, and you're one of the most respectful, and kind, and sweetest boy I know, but I'm sorry, I can't accept this."

Pilsoo sighed. "I know, I know you like someone else, but you've just liked him for so long, that I– I just thought that I can make you forgot about him. I don't know if he makes you happy, but from what I see, he's just leading you on."

Jeongguk gulped. He bit the insides of his cheeks, feeling lightly embarrassed.

"I didn't mean it in a–"

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go now." Jeongguk bowed slightly, all the colours he had in him before drained out as he walked back to class. On his way, he saw Taehyung in the hallway talking to some girl in a setting similar to the one he had just been in. He didn't feel like analyzing what in the world was going on, he was just not in the mood. When Jeongguk was about to walk past them, Taehyung stopped him.

"Your mom called, said it was an emergency," Taehyung said, handing him his phone.

Jeongguk took it, not even sparing a glance at the other. "Thank you," he muttered, before continuing to walk. He called his mom, the big emergency was that she forgot about Mr. Jeon's birthday and had no clue what to get him, consulting her only son for help. After he gave her some suggestion, Jeongguk went to class.

kiss me now [taekook] ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ