"Mmm... This Dessert's so yummy." Ishaana said eating her créme brulee and Samar looked her in pure adoration.

"So, Samar, How's your relationship with Mathur's? " I asked to start a decent conversation with Samar.

"Well, when they got to know, Ishaana and I got married, he was furious at first and then he tried to extract money from me in order to save himself from going Bankrupt but I didn't succumb to his plans and threats." Samar said while feeding their daughter with the feeder.

I nodded.

"Enjoyed your weekend, Gauri? " Ishaana asked my assistant.

"Yes, such a wonderful weekend." My assistant said with a extra sweet smile not before glaring me.

"It would have been great to work with Omkara, Right? He's such a good employer." Ishaana said praising me.

"Yes, I can't say in words, how grateful I am to work with him." Gauri said smiling but I know she meant totally opposite of her words.

"I know he's such a good soul." Ishaana said smiling.

"Yes, he is." My assistant said.

We all had a good time as the initial awkwardness between us disappeared and we began to speak like good friends.

"It was a pleasure to have you both here with us today." Samar said giving me a man hug and shaking hands with Gauri.

"Yes, it felt so good that we didn't even noticed how 2 hours passed so fast." Ishaana said rocking her daughter.

"The feelings are mutual." I said smiling.

"Yes, It felt great to spend time with you." My assistant said.

"Next time, let's plan for a vacation together, so we can get to spend more time together." Ishaana suggested.

"That's a great idea." Samar smiled.

"Yes, it is." I nodded.

"I think we have to leave now, it's Sahana's bed time." Samar said trying to calm his now crying daughter.

"Well, It went good than I thought." I said walking towards my car.

"Yes." My assistant said walking beside me.

"So, now will you forgive me for ruining your perfect Weekend?" I said air quoting the Perfect Weekend.

"Hmm... I will waive off 50% of my anger for the good time I had." My assistant said after acting like thinking.

"Is there anything that I can do to make you forgive me 100%? " I asked smiling at her antics.

"Well... There is a way." My assistant said bouncing in her steps.

"What's that?" I asked watching her steps so that she won't fumble and fall.

"There was this Ice cream shop near the Marine drive, they sells the best cookie dough ice cream take me there, I will forgive you." My assistant said clasping her hands.

"What? You just had a dessert like 10 minutes ago and you want to eat ice cream again?" I wondered.

"Yes, I am craving for ice cream, take me there." My assistant ordered.

"Sure Mam." I mocked a salute opening the passenger side door for her.

"You are welcome." My assistant said slipping into the passenger seat.

"Mmm... You should try this ice cream, it's delicious." My assistant said with a mouthful of ice cream.

"No, thanks." I said, "Unlike you I don't want to become fat eating all those fatty stuff."

"You called me Fat?" My assistant asked with big eyes glaring at me.

"Yes, you are fat and short, like Pooh, the bear." I said frustrating her even more.

"I am not fat and my height is not short, you are tall like a tower." My assistant defended herself.

"Whatever makes you sleep peacefully tonight." I said making her frown and look down at herself.

"Am I really Fat, Omkaraji?" My assistant asked looking up at me innocently with big doe eyes.

"Should I go on a diet?" She asked checking herself cutely making me smile.

"No, you don't need to go on a diet." I said smiling at her and she looked at me happily,"I will make you do extra work from tomorrow to burn your extra calories,at least then you will become slim but I can't do anything about your height, Shortie." I said making her narrow her eyes at me.

"Don't call me, Shortie! " My assistant said trying to hit me with her puny fist but I ran towards the beach dodging her attacks with her running behind, cursing me.

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