Hesitation Out Of The Castle

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  A week later, there stood the tired lily, she gently rose her hand and knocked on the large door to the room her girlfriend had kept herself in. The silence was deafening, "Please, you promised to come out."

  The creaked open, "Whaaa?" A high pitched mechanical voice replied, "I diiiid? But her grace said I could borrow the room!"

  Peach's eyes widened at the sight of the cloud girl, "O-oh, Lakituette!" Her words were getting caught in her throat, "I'm sorry! I thought someone else was in here."

  Lakituette grinned a childish grin before chirping, "You'll fiiiind her in the garden!" Peach felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders at the words, then quickly left the cloud girl to her own devices.


  The horned girl took a deep breath, letting the sun shine on her, her heart felt at ease in the serene garden. She looked over, the pink girl catching her eyes, "So you found me."

  Peach nodded, she tried not to blush as she looked at her girlfriend for what felt like the first time in forever. "Lakituette may try not to show it, but she can be rather kind."

  Bowsette chuckled, "Yeah," she glanced at the flowerbed, the vibrant colors captivating her attention. "Well, it's my first day off in a while, what should we do?"

  Peach beamed, "How about we go to see the town!"

  Bowsette felt a pit form in her stomach, but she felt defeated by her smile, "Sure."

  The shorter girl leaped with joy, she was like a little ball of sunshine, "I'm so excited!"

  Bowsette gulped, she was hoping for alone time with her, but maybe she could still do it. Peach ran off, leaving the rose alone. She sighed in frustration, "How do I ask her now?"


  Bowsette waited outside the castle, a small flower-shaped box in her hand. 

  "Bow!" She swiftly stuffed the box into her pocket, when she looked up she saw Peach in a white sundress and a pink lily in her hair. She hugged Bowsette before grabbing her arm. "Where should we go first?"

  Bowsette looked up, she knew a few bakeries, but none would have the privacy she wished for. Bowsette caved into Peach's intense gaze, "How about a bakery?" Peach's face brightened more, making Bowsette only smile more.

  Every shop they went to seemed to make Peach more excited and show a brighter smile. Her overbrimming happiness made Bowsette smile more, as she started to smile she realized how much she missed doing stuff like this.

  She stared at her pocket as her mind began to wander, "Bow?"


  "Are you okay?"

  Bowsette bounced up, scratching the back of her head, she could feel the eyes of everyone in the shop on her, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!"

  Peach looked around to see what could be making her act like this but saw nothing. She sighed, her heart stinging, knowing that Bowsette was lying, "Okay..."

  The taller girl looked down at her girlfriend, the urge to hug her made her heart sink, but she had an aching feeling she shouldn't.


  They walked back to the castle in silence, Peach refused to say a thing and Bowsette was fearful to end up making the situation worse. They reached the entrance to the castle and Bowsette desperately tried to find words to explain what had happened. "Um, Peach..."

  "It's okay." She sighed, something was clearly on the other girl's mind and she wasn't going to force her to say what it was, "See you when-- it's easier to talk."

  She disappeared behind the doors, leaving Bowsette in the quiet of the outside. She took out the small flower-shaped box, all she could do was stare at it in frustration, "How do I tell her at all?" She raised her arm to throw the box, but couldn't find it in her to do it. Kicking the ground she pouted, a tear falling down her cheek.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry this took so long, I am going to come out with a side chapter soon and then I have an idea for the ending, so don't you worry! I want you guys to stay safe too, so wash your hands and be careful! 

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