A Big Day

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    It finally was the day; the two were getting dressed in separate rooms. The music chimed; it was perfect. Nothing could ruin this day; the sky even was beautiful too. Peach looked in the mirror, a smile crept to her face, "Ah! Booette, it's finally happening!!"

    Booette chirped, "I knows it's so excitings!"
    Peach danced around the room in her gown, just waiting for the moment to walk down to see her wife.


    "Oh, Bowser... what do I do?" Bowsette hugged herself in the chair. She shook, heart palpitating, "I don't know what to say!"

    Bowser sighed, looking back at his shaking sister, "All you have to say is 'I do.'" Bowsette looked up almost in disbelief at the simplicity.

    "No fancy speech?"

    "No, no fancy speech."



    Magikoopaette stood there, waiting for Boswette to arrive. "What is keeping that girl?" She bit her lip, searching left to right, "Surely she doesn't want to miss her big day!"

    "I'm here! I'm here!!"

    "Finally, I was wondering what you were doing."

    "Just a few nerves! I'm fine now!" Bowsette straightened her suit, standing up straight, "I hope this goes well!"

    The music started, out came Peach in a blush pink gown; she looked just as beautiful as always. She walked down the aisle, each step getting closer to her now-to-be wife. Each step made her heart flutter. She arrived at the front and stared into Bowsette's deep blue eyes.

    "Do you Peach take Bowsette in sickness and in health, in poorness or in wealth, and in sadness and in happiness?"

    Peach nodded and uttered a simple, "I do."

    "Do you Bowsette take Peach in sickness and in health, in poorness or in wealth, and in sadness and in happiness?"

    Bowsette picked Peach up, "I do!"

    "You may now kiss!" Bowsette took no hesitation in kissing the pink bride, a smile on her lips.

    Peach finally threw the bouquet, the one to catch it being... Shyette! She looked around in confusion, scared without her notebook. Bowser patted her shoulder, holding out a piece of paper to her.

    "What does this mean?" She frantically wrote, no one could see, but under the mask, her face was burning as she stared at the once again Koopa King.

    "It means you'll get married soon, isn't that exciting? I hope you find the lucky man soon!" Shyette puffed her cheek out under the mask and gently jabbed Bowser's side, "Hey? What was that for?"

    She refused to respond, waiting for the reality to sink in, or something! He stared at her, still confused. She sighed, writing one last thing before walking away, "Maybe I want that man to be you." Bowser just stood there as he watched the girl walk off, having to rethink so much now.

*to be continued in a later story*

Author's Note

Man, it has been a long journey, but at last, I've finished this story, I'm so happy with this wedding chapter ^w^

If you want more, I am planning on writing two side stories "Uncertain Chances" and "Baking a Path to Love" both taking place in this universe just with different character focuses!

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