White Lily

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  Peach laid in the velvet blankets of the bad, letting them consume her. Hot tears fell down her cheeks, her eyes were going red and puffy from all her crying, and her hair was a mess. She sniffled, Bowsette's words from earlier repeated in her mind, "Pathetic..." She grind her teeth, Peach could rule a kingdom, just not one with proper security.

  She walked to the window and looked out at the world she could not reach, "Oh, Mario, please save me soon."

  Peach felt new tears ready to fall, but she heard a knock at the door and she snapped out of her thoughts. She started walking towards the door, but the voice she heard made her stop.

  "Hey, princess," it was Bowsette, she was the last person Peach wanted to see, "Look, you don't have to open the door, but I just wanted to let you know you can go around the castle, I'm not just keeping you locked in there." there was a moment of silence, before footsteps could be heard.

  Peach hoped they were Bowsette's and waited for the footsteps to disappear, before creaking open the door and peaking her head out, the hall was empty, except for a few koopa guards that marched up and down the hall. Peach sighed, escaping was going to be quite the feat. Peach closed her door, she couldn't go out in the state she was in, she looked in the mirror, "Oh..."


  Bowsette walked in the garden, it was the most peaceful place in the castle, Bowser probably had the staff keep it well kept because she liked it so much. Bowsette looked at two flowers in particular, they were planted so close to each other that their stems tangled them together, one was a white lily, and the other was a red rose. Bowsette held the flower's petals in one of her hands and looked at them longingly.

  "They still bloomed like this, how... beautiful." she snapped a petal off of the lily, the petal was surprisingly soft and smooth in her hands.

  She continued her walk and stopped in front of a tree. She looked at the large oak, then the petal, she sighed, and kept walking, the tree reminded her of when Bowser and her ran around the garden when they were younger. She let the air hit her face, it was refreshing, but suddenly it got colder, Bowsette turned, and caught a quick glimpse of a figure hiding.

  A smirk replaced Bowsette's calm smile, Bowsette was not very well liked by the citizens, many criticized her for being a hybrid, but she didn't mind. Bowsette continued to walk calmly, she needed the figure to get closer, she walked some more, closer, she took a few steps more, 'NOW!' She grabbed the figure with one hand and had her other hand ready to claw the figure. She stopped once she saw the face of the person, Magikoopaette. Bowsette put Magikoopaette down and almost growled, "What the bob-omb is wrong with you? You could just walk up to me!"

  "S-sorry your grace, I-I have a n-new spell for you." Magikoopaette protected her face with her staff.

  "Ah, is that all?" Bowsette asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "No, th-there's more, b-but it's pr-private." Magikoopaette stated, lowering her staff a little.

  "Oh, then we'll discuss after dinner." Bowsette lowered Magikoopaette's staff and tapped the tip of Magikoopaette's nose with a sharp nail, Magikoopaette nodded quickly, and teleported away.

  Bowsette laughed, she couldn't help it, Magikoopaette was the same mousey koopa hybrid when they met, and Magikoopaette always had good news, well maybe not always. Bowsette walked back into the castle, she wanted to help with dinner.


  Peach walked out of her room once her eyes weren't red and she brushed all her tangles out of her hair. Peach looked at the castle around her, she didn't want to really explore, but she at least wanted to know her way around the dim stone castle. The more Peach looked at the castle, the more she realized she was out of place, she had a pink dress, white gloves, and colorful jewels on her crown; much different from the grey stones, sangria carpet, and black tapestries with Bowser's face on them in gold.

  "I tried decorating her before, I'm not trying again." Peach hmphed, she started to remember the pink tapestries with Bowser's face on them in white, vases filled with lilies at the end of the halls, and cream carpet. Bowser said he liked it, but once Mario had saved Peach he took down her decorations. Peach asked Bowser why he took down the decorations, she didn't pay much mind to his answer at the time, but now that Bowsette was her captor, it made her think, "She said that isn't how a castle should be decorated."

  She? Peach stopped, "She-" it hit her, "Is 'she' Bowsette?!"

  Peach felt a bit of anger start to consume her heart, Peach wasn't the type to get angry, but she worked hard on those decorations. She looked at the castle around her one last time, took her gloves off, and grinned, anger clear in her expression, "Fine, I'll see how she likes a decorated castle."

Hail the Dark Queen | Peach x BowsetteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ