What is Hiding?

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  Peach slowly opened her eyes, light shining in through the window, birds singing quietly. Peach couldn't be more content, she looked up, it was better with the girl she loved there by her side.

  Peach reached for Bowsette's head and petted Bowsette's hair, "Hey, wakey, wakey, Bow."

  Bowsette kept her eyes shut, groaned, and pulled Peach closer. Peach shook her head and sighed; of course Bowsette didn't want to get up. This felt routine, already, and it had only been a few days.

  Peach giggled and lightly shook Bowsette's head, "Come on, we need to plan for the upcoming ball."

  Bowsette sat up, her cheeks puffed out. Peach sat up and smiled, "Aw, come on Bow, we still get to spend the day together."

  Bowsette grinned, pulled Peach close, and whispered in Peach's ear, "I know, I just don't like sharing."

  Peach's face turned taffy and Bowsette chuckled; she couldn't get enough of Peach's reactions.


  "We are still deciding what plates, napkins, food, and music should be at the ball." The Koopa continued to ramble.

  Bowsette sighed, "Well, do you have the recipes for the foodwe usually have at the Moon's Le Ball? And what about the sheet music Magikoopaette organized in the folder."

  The koopa paused, looked up at Bowsette, and tilted its head, "What folder? Magikoopaette never gave me a folder if there was suppose to be one."

  Bowsette and Peach looked at eachother, Peach thought what could've happened with Magikoopaette, "I'll go check on her."

  Peach quickly ran out the two large doors and Bowsette looked back at the Koopa, "Let's try silver plates, silver like the moon."

  The koopa nodded, "Then, how about-"


  Peach walked quickly down the nearly empty halls, "Magikoopaette must have... forgotten, yeah; there's no way she just..."

  Peach's thoughts were spinning, her walking quickly turned into running, the more her mind spinned. She looked around, "Where could she be?"

  Peach couldn't stop running, the halls started to feel endless, and her breathing quickened. She didn't know how long she had been running; but she came to a stop when something caught her eye, she hadn't seen it before. It was a loose stone, Peach walked closer, it looked too convenient. Peach pushed the stone, making a section of the wall open.

  Peach stepped back, the room inside was pitch black, and the cold air seemed to pull her in. Peach looked up, a small light in the distance glowed. Peach looked up a small light in the distance glowed.

  The wall slammed closed, hiding the room once again. Peach could feel the dead stare of someone behind her, "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

  Peach shuddered, she knew that voice all too well. Magikoopaette spun Peach around to face her, "What?"

  Peach was unable to answer, her words stuck in her throat. Peach didn't know what changed in Magikoopaette, but something changed.

Peach felt something wrap around her waist and pull her close, "Is there a problem?"

  Magikoopaette's stare softened, "N-no your gr-gra-ace."

  "Good, and while I have the chance to tell you, you didn't organize the folder." Bowsette smiled sweetly.

  Magikoopaette jumped, "Oh no, I-I knew I forgot s-s-something! I'm so s-sorry, your gr-grace!"

  Magikoopaette ran off, even if someone tried to tell her she didn't have to run, she still would.

  Bowsette chuckled, "How cute." Bowsette glanced down at Peach, "Are you okay?" Peach nodded, "What happened?"

  Peach looked back at the wall, but the loose stone was gone, "Um... nothing..."

  Bowsette raised an eyebrow skeptically, but accepted her response. Bowsette gave Peach a peck on the lips, "Okay."

Hail the Dark Queen | Peach x BowsetteWhere stories live. Discover now