A Compromised Deal

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  Magikoopaette looked out the window of her cell, she knew the next time she went outside would be her last. A tear fell from her eyes, she took off her glasses to wipe her nonstop falling tears away. "I wish I could make it up, but treason is punishable by death." The tears only fell faster, she sniffled as she started to sob, "I deserve this, I knew it was a crime, yet I continued to go with it!"

  She looked out her window one last time, "I -- I hope she'll be able to be happy and forget me in due time."


  "Bow," Peach hugged her girlfriend as she tried to choke back sobs.

  "I thought-thought she was my friend, I don't even want to execute her!" Bowsette couldn't think of a time she cried this much, tears falling down her cheeks in a stream, trying to speak in between her sobs. She snuggled closer to Peach, her heartbreaking, "I'm just doing what the rules demand..." She buried her face in Peach's shoulder, her voice now muffled when she spoke.

  Peach couldn't understand a single word anymore and quietly sighed. She pets Bowsette's hair, her own eyes red too from when she was crying, "You could change it, you are the ruler as of now."

  "But it's not fair to everyone else, " her voice muffled and quiet, Peach just continued to pet her hair. "I just -- can't do it."

  Peach shook her head, "Bow... I understand it will hurt, but if you won't make an exception and you need to enforce the rules... we have to say goodbye to her."

  Bowsette lifted her head, tears stained her cheeks, "I know you're right, but it doesn't hurt any less."

  Peach just continued to pet Bowsette's hair, tears forming in her eyes, "I understand, all too well..."

  "It's just -- she has been my best friend for so long and then she tries to pull this!" Bowsette let go of Peach and sat down, "This -- isn't like an argument, it's a threat to the kingdom, I can't let it slide." She gripped the skirt of her dress, "Hell, she could pull it again for bob-bombs sake!"

  Peach knelt down beside her mixed emotion girlfriend, "We can't forgive her, but we don't want to execute her..." Peach bit her lip, she had a feeling her suggestion may be rejected. "Well, why not give her an equally bad punishment?"

  "Peach..." Bowsette began to protest.

  "Hear me out, as long as it's equivalently bad as execution, it is enforcing the rules in a way, but not at the same time."

  Bowsette had a slight smile, "Well, I guess it could work."


  Magikoopaette sat in the dark hugging her knees, she hid her face with er hat, 'Any day now, I'll never see this agai-" the creaking of the door interrupted her thoughts.

  "Her grace would like to see you."

  Magikoopaette's eyes widened, 'It must be time already, only after a week? That was fast...' She followed the koopa to the throne room and entered alone.

  Bowsette stared at her, her arms crossed, and a look of disappointment. It stabbed daggers into Magikoopaette, she waited for her to speak to not end up angering her. "Magikoopaette," her voice made the sorceress flinch. Bowsette sighed, 'This better be the right decision.' Bowsette walked over to the shaking girl and put a hand on her shoulder, "I -- can't execute you." Magikoopaette felt a sense of relief wash over her, she looked down, almost with a look of happiness, "But," she instantly looked up again. "You can't have any magical possessions, you can only go to a few places, and you can't my advisor anymore."

  "Y-your highness, you can't be serious, magic is all I am!" Magikoopaette got up, her voice panicked, waving her hands all over the place.

  "That's the point, you can't be trusted anymore, so I'm taking what you say you 'need'."

  "You can't though, my magic helps protect, it can speed up a healing process, it-"

  "That's what Pirahnaette is for." Bowsette wasn't giving in to the girl, her glare sent shivers down Magikoopaette's back.

  "But -- magic -- is-is," Magikoopaette started to tear up. "All that I a-am!" She started to sob as she continued to think of herself, without magic, without the ability to do things like she used to.

  Bowsette rolled her eyes and picked her up, "Stop sniveling, you caused this to yourself!" She dropped the whining girl, the girl falling to the floor with a loud thump. "You're only allowed in your tower, the infirmary, the dining hall, and the cells. I can keep better tabs on you that way, without needing to check everywhere with every guard to see how you are acting."

  "Wait, why the cells?" The rest made some sense, but the cells just didn't seem to fit.

  "Well, someone has to feed the new prisoners and work, you don't get to be a freeloader! You can learn to make your own medicine and food, I'm not accomodating you."

  Magikoopaette flinched at the princess's harsh cold words, she couldn't complain though; she did, as Bowsette said, bring this upon herself. "Yes, your grace, I understand." Her voice was calm as she got up and left the throne room. Outside she saw the koopa, she nodded, and the koopa led her down the hall to her tower.

Author's Note

Ha! She ain't dead yet! I'll be completely honest, I couldn't really kill her off, she is too fun to write. Plus it's going to be fun to write her without her magic, and how she copes with it. Anyway, see you with another chapter Friday and have a nice rest of your day, afternoon, or night. ^w^

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