The Entrance of a Hero

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  Bowsette welcomes the guests, a smile on her face, and Peach by her side. Bowsette finished greeting another guest and turned to Peach.

  "You're waiting for him, aren't you?"

  Peach flinched back, almost hitting the wall behind her, "Well, I want us to— explain it, together."

  Bowsette chuckled, holding Peach's cheek with one hand, "It's okay, I'll take care of it, you enjoy yourself."

  Peach nodded, taking  the hand on her cheek, with her own, "Okay."


  Mario gulped, his brother next to him, "Are you ready, Mario?"

  Mario looked up at his brother and nodded. The lights of the castle made it feel more distant than it should be, but Mario ignored the distant feeling.

  Mario entered the grand decorated hallway, Bowsette was at the top of the staircase, seeming unaware of Mario and Luigi's presence. Mario made his way up the stairs, his brother behind him.

  "Why, hello, wel-" Bowsette's voice held kindness Mario hadn't heard before, until she realized who she was talking to. Her voice still held kindness, but with a bit of a bite to it. "Well, if it isn't the 'hero,' Mario! Oh, and you brought your brother with you, Luigi. Nice to see you both could make it."

  Mario felt a chill creep down his spine, his blood went cold, Why was she being nice? Why did she act like she cared?

  Bowsette held out her hand, which Luigi gladly took, "Thank you for being such a good host!"

  Bowsette held out her hand to Mario, he hesitated, then took it. A question plagued his mind, he had to know, "Is— is a the princess okay?"

  Bowsette let go of Mario's hand, a sudden blissful smile on her face, "She's quite alright hero. She's in the ball room, so you can see for yourself."

  Mario ignored her oddly happy smile and entered the ballroom.

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