You Made It

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  Peach sat on her knees, some of the younger guest sitting around her. She told tales of her time in the Mushroom Kingdom an dher mother.

  "So, what did your mother do to deserve so much praise?" The young toad held his feet and tilted his head, he couldn't have been any older than six.

  Peach rested her head on the palm of her hands, "Well," she took a deep breath, "She was very caring, she sacrificed everything for the kingdom. She was— a true queen. She put the kingdom before her and treated everyone like her family."

  Hiki sat in the very back, Peach had called her over, but she didn't want to sit too close to Peach. "Pssh, Yeah right." She continued looking down at her nails, barely paying attention.

  "Do you have a question, Hiki?"

  Hiki jumped when she heard her name. "Um... what- why do you decide to stay here?"

  Peach's eyes widened a bit, then she smiled, her heart fluttered as she remember the reason she was staying, "Well, there is someone I-"


  Peach's eyes jolted open, she stood up, the voice sounded familiar. "M—ari—o?" Her voice was quiet as she said the name of her "hero."

  Mario looked at the princess, not a scratch or bruise was on her. "Thank Bob-a-bombs, you're okay!"

  "You- you actually made it?" Peach wanted to tell him everything; but now that he was there, she felt unable to speak. The group had separated, each of them hugging their guardian.

  "Peach, everyone was-a worried about you!"

  Peach felt a tinge of guilt build up in her heart, she was unable to go back for a bit; however when she had the chance, she didn't go back, she stayed with Bowsette and the koopas. Tears started to form in her eyes, "I-I'm sorry."

  Mario looked up at Peach, confusion cluttered his mind, "No, it isn't-a your fault!"

  "Peach?" Two arms wrapped around Peach's waist and pulled her close. "Are you okay?"

Hail the Dark Queen | Peach x BowsetteWhere stories live. Discover now