Peachy Keen

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  Bowsette sat with the koopas planning, arguing, and smiling. The smile was wider than usual she was ready for anything and everything. Peach slowly creaked open the door, quietly as possible. She slowly made her way behind the woman in front of her and... pounced!

  "Hm? Oh, Peachy? What kept you so long?" Bowsette leaned down, kissing the pink girl on the lips, "Not want to get up?"

  Peach giggled, "No, simply was trying to be quiet enough to surprise you!"

  "Well, surprises can wait," Bowsette turned back to the koopas, "so we're sure these are the best flowers?"

  "Of course, they were grown by other piranha plants!" The koopas shrank away, keeping distance between themselves and the tall koopa girl.

  "Why not lilies instead? And roses!" Peach piped up, beaming at the koopas.

  "I prefer that idea actually; I'm not a fan of these anyway really." Bowsette picked her up, placing the pink girl on her shoulder. "Hey, let's go with Peachy's idea, ok?" The koopas nodded excitedly and ran off.

  "Now, there are only a few more things for us to do, but I have to do one alone; you go pick out your dress, ok, Peachy?" Bowsette placed Peach down, about to walk away, but... "Hey, Peachy, stick by Booette for this one; there is only one person I could sadly trust for your dress."

  "I will, but I'm sure I'll be fine witho-"

  "Just trust me!" Peach looked stunned. Bowsette looked ready to cry. Without much of a choice seeing the state her soon-to-be wife was in, she nodded. "Thank you... sorry, I just really want you safe."


  Booette followed Peach, anger painted her features.


  "Y-yous don't wa-wants to knows."

  "Oh..." With the tone in place, Peach finally understood who they were going to see.

  "Hi!" A girl said, without her defining features, other than her glasses and side-braid.

  "Magikoopaette... nice to see you..."

  "Eh heh..." Magikoopaette coughed, readjusted her glasses, and stood straight. "Let me show you to your dressing room."

  Peach locked the door behind her fast as possible, a scowl forming, "Seriously, her again?" She slunk against the wall opposite the door to keep her distance. "Why me?" She looked up at the dresses; none of them looked ugly, but how could she trust their beautiful exterior after what she did?

  She searched every dress for at least an hour, occasional knocks throwing her off, but after checking, she just... stopped. "This is ridiculous, there's nothing in them and I need to choose one anyway." She settled on a light velvet pink dress and walked out of the room.

  "Peach?" She ignored the voice. "Peach!!" Peach sighed, turning around to look at the girl. "Look, I know I did bad things in... the past... um... two months? But! I want to apologize formally to you and I already did to Bowsette." Magikoopaette took a deep breath, looking Peach in those sour eyes, "I'm so sorry I tried to take over the kingdom and ended up hurting you and the only person that ever cared about me on the way. GOD! And for what, some stupid power? I... truly can't say how sorry I am..."

  Peach's eyes softened up; she smiled and pat Magikoopaette on the head, "I'll forgive you for now." Her tone shifted suddenly, sharp like a knife, "If you ever try anything like that again, I will not try to save you."

  Magikoopaette cried, a beam crossing her face, "THANK YOU SO MUCH PRINCESS, I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!"

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