Chapter 167: New Path, The Lost Sister

Start from the beginning

"Are..." Issei gulps, clenching his hands tightly to masks his fear. "Are they after me again?" "Possible; however, I hold some doubt. From the information I've been given, that specific individual is neither the two that I encountered with you in the past." Hunter looks at Issei "You have two encounters with them, and both times they intended to capture you. So, it's not farfetched for me to assume that your kidnapping is assigned explicitly to those two." Nodding slowly in agreement, Issei can't help but shiver when that terrifying image of Kitomi's red eyes boring into him while wearing that mischief smirk. Then there's that mysterious woman who shares a striking resemblance to Akeno. Those slit, violet eyes are colder than even ice.

"Issei," Hunter speaks to gain his attention "I won't let them take you... You are my student, and I may not be a perfect teacher, but I do at least know protecting you is one of my biggest responsibility." Hearing those words set Hyoudou at ease, his hands unclench, and his body loosens. Even though it is hard to tell with that monotone voice, Issei knew Hunter meant it when she spoke those words. "Right!" He nods and wears a grin.

"Saying that those lead to the next matter I want to discuss with you. It involves your training." Issei perks up, "What about it?" "Before I set off on a mission after the invasion, I did inform you that I will be training you again. My plan is for us to go on a trip that extends to a number of months. A trip focuses entirely on getting you stronger and continuing your teaching with swords." "Oh! I remember you saying something like that" Issei nods. "But... You want to do that now?" "Is there a problem?" Hunter raises an eyebrow, expecting Hyoudou to be jumping for joy.

"Well..." Issei grimace as his eyes moves down. "There's some stuff going on with Nawin right now. I want to make sure he's all ok before I head out on such a long trip. If I leave now, it will affect my training as my mine will be occupied with worry." Hunter stares at Hyoudou in silence for a moment before releasing a sigh. "Fine. Do as you wish. I already informed Lord Sirzech that I'll be focusing on your training for a while. So, there won't be any mission thrown in my way till the trip is over." Leaning off the tree to stand straight, Hunter gazes at Issei. "I'll return to Vesarima and be back here next week. I expect you to be available when I arrive no matter if your friend's situation is solved, understood?" "Yes."

Watching Hunter summon the teleportation then vanishing into a bright light, Issei takes a deep breath and sigh. He was genuinely afraid of disagreeing with her by pushing back the date of the trip. Even though deep down, Issei knew Hunter won't do anything crazy as she said, she'll protect him in dire situations. However, even knowing that, he is still intimidated by the woman as he has seen her immense strength. Issei knows she could adequately kill him with just one hand after he saw how she effortlessly beheaded several fully-grown dragon's heads during the Khaos Brigade Invasion.

'Don't make a habit of clashing with her, Partner' Ddraig speaks up after seeing what's on Issei's mind 'I am well aware. Almost wet myself talking to her like that.' 'For once I can't blame you for acting like a wuss. That woman is something else.' 'So...' Ddraig leads to another subject. 'What's your plan now?' Issei exhales and stretches the back of his head, thinking hard. '... I won't do anything yet. I'll wait a bit. If nothing changes and Nawin still don't show up tomorrow, then I want to go looking for him again. Honestly... I can't shake this bad feeling in my gut that I've been having lately' 'Understandable, it's natural you are growing more concern for him after nearly a week of absence. Though I doubt anything major is happening to him, Partner. Sure he's somewhere relaxing trying to get his mind straight' 'Yeah. I hope so...'


"Uh!" Gasping, Nawin snaps his eyes open immediately following gaining consciousness. However, instead of the normal dark-brown orbs, it is those bright red shade with slit pupils, matching that of Dragon's. Pushing himself up to his feet, Nawin takes a moment to look at his hands then clenches them. "She has indeed bestowed you more power." Knowing that soft-spoken voice in an instant, Nawin turns around to face that familiar Japanese style house. Sitting by the patio while sipping down some fresh green tea, Sairex sets the cup down on the table then turns to Nawin with that ever calm and pleasant smile plastered on his pale face. "Hello, Nawin. It's been a while since we've met like this."

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