"Carrie and Mike are dumped. Max said she dumps Lucas all the time... i'm glad we didn't dump." El said as Mavis couldn't hold back her laugh as El frowned her eyebrows in confusion, watching the smaller girl laugh loudly and tumble over slightly.

"El, please never say that again." Mavis said between laughs as El grinned, still confused but found Mavis oddly adorable.

"Don't worry, we're different from them. I mean, you and I are stronger then them in a way. We already know what it's like to be apart from each other, I hated that." Mavis explained once she calmed down, taking both El's hands in hers.

"Me too, never again." El shook her head as her short hair shook with her. Mavis grinned as she leaned into El as they rubbed their noses against each other's, making them laugh.

The lights began to blink brightly as the pair of girlfriends hurried back to their friends, seeing Will looking around oddly like he knew something. Glancing at Carrie, she also had a weird look on her face, holding onto Mikes hand in fear.

"He's here." Will spoke for the two as the group all hurried down the hall in search of Nancy and Jonathan. They followed the noise as they came across a door. El was quickly to use her powers to throw it open as a massive creature, that resembled a slug, turned to them.

"What the f-" Max began before it let out a loud screech at the younger teens and ran at them. El yelled as she held up her arms, swinging it around the room. Mavis stood on her tippy toes to look over Lucas shoulder, watching El in fear. With one last final yell, El swung her arms forward, causing the creature to fly out of the window.

"Go!" El demanded as they ran down the hallway, Jonathan staying to help Nancy up again.

The teens got out of the hospital quickly, only to come face to face with the creature melting down into the drain. Mavis opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't even find the right words for one of her sarcastic comments.

"I miss Dustin." Was all Mavis could say as Lucas wrapped a arm around her in comfort.

After Nancy and Jonathan joined them, the large group all went back to Hoppers house, El saying she needed privacy to find were the creature had gone off too.

"It can't be good for her to be in there this long." Mike said as him and Mavis paced back and forth together.

"You're right, you're completely right." Mavis nodded her head in a agreement as Max's voice rung.

"Mike, Mavis, you both need to relax." the redhead said, clearly annoyed with them both.

"What if she gets brain damaged?" Mike asked as Mavis gasped.

"I didn't even think of that." the short girl said as she went to run toward El's room, being stoped as Carrie grabbed a hold on her and brought her back to her original spot.

"Oh shit, is that a real thing?" Lucas asked with wide eyes.

"No it's not, he made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." Max said as Mavis scoffed and crossed her arms.

"He made it up? Say that the millions of people who have died from it. I mean, who the hell was your teacher in California?" Mavis asked her with a annoyed look as Max's gapped at her.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now