Chapter 28:

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Hey Everyone! Its been forever I know!

Thanks for the support for the last chapter, really appreciate it. Please guys share this story with your friends, I would love for this story to get 1,000,000 one day and we cant do that without more support. Im soo thankful for the 48,000+ reads and I love y'all for making that happen. :) Please continue to vote and comment guys, means the world to me :)

Recently I really been into this project im hoping to bring to life soon now. And im soo exited. Its a secret project which im soo exited about. I cant give much away yet but the exitement is killing me. :D

I havent fogotten to update I just needed time to think about where I want this story to go. As most of you know, I had no idea where this story was going and still I dont but its getting clearer, for sure! :)

Chapter dedicated to  @dancergurl718 for making this cover>>>>>

I love the covers she made me. Guys I would love it if some of you made some covers for me, I will give chapter dedications to each cover that is made!

Heres the chapter (which needs alot of editing) and sorry for mistakes

Enjoy Chapter 28!


Chapter 28:

Ariana's POV

We were in the tour bus on the way to the TV studio for the first interview of the day. Later on, I was to perform 'Honeymoon Avenue' and 'Problem' on X-Factor in front of the whole of the nation. As I was vocalising, I began to feel dizzy and the needles of what I thought a normal virus stabbing me in my stomach, repeatedly, again and again.

For the interview, I was wearing some light blue jeggings with a white peplum top with cute buttons down the middle, accompanied by some Bright Blue pumps with blue sewn on design. Thank God, It wasn't heels again, my feet needed a break. These shoes were gorgeous, They looked too nice to wear. My hair was let loose straightened, with a small section from both sides pinned out of my face. My makeup was the usual natural look with a light tinted pink lip. My nails were painted my signature white. I liked this outfit; it was comfy, well definitely comfier than yesterday!

I got my phone and decided to read some tweets. I realised I hadn't been on twitter since well.... a while. I kept calm and possible and read through all the hate mail Nathan fans. I could feel my eyes shut and my head felt like too much of a weight for my shoulders, but I kept shaking my head. Nathan had written several new tweets about me since well I last kept up with this Nathan Drama which I was part of. All of them shocked me, all I could read was lies, lies and oh my god! Even more lies! One tweet stood out in particular.

It said

Nathan Sykes: @arianagrande 'My Heart was taken by You, and now is Broken by you, now its in pieces...because of you'

I was in shock. Excuse me! I was the one with a broken heart, my heart is going to take a lot longer to heal then his probably ever will. And the fact he tagged me was extremely immature, to say the least!

My eyes then began to water. Eventually, I placed my phone on the counter and left all those tweets, all the hate was getting to me, filling my brain up, and completely breaking me. Then I remembered Jai, how Jai turned up at exactly at the right time and he made me feel soo much happier. And how he took me out and made me forget about all that pain I got from Nathan. How we got Slush together and how kept me calm whilst we were ambushed by the media. A time I would have struggled without him. I remembered his smile and my heart melted. Then I could feel those tears run down my face and my face was getting all red. But I was smiling which was the best thing. I dabbed my tears with my hand before anyone realised I was emotional and instead got my fingers write the best tweet ever exclusively from my very sassy brain and my infinite love of tumblr quotes. I needed something powerful! I needed something too good! In a split second, I began to type....

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