Chapter 9: Forever Shock

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  • Dedicated to ALL THE READERS

Hi guys, sorry i havn't updated for like forever. I have had a very stressful time with exams and got some big decisions to make with options. 

I have written a new chapter which takes a turn. I was going to add this later in the story but i decided it would be better now.

 This chapter is dedicated to ALL YOU READERS

hope you enjoy chapter. 

Song i was listening to: Love will remember by Selena Gomez. Link on the right>>>



Chapter 9: Forever Shock

Jai's POV

I needed to find out what she was hiding, I didn't know why but I just had to!

I told Beau what had happened and what I thought, and for once he was actually supporting me, which kind of freaked me out!

Luke asked me if he should talk to her. Usually, I would have agreed but I felt like I should talk to her. Don't know why but I felt like I should.

I decided to go online for a while and begin to think of a plan. I saw Ariana was online but I couldn't bring myself to text her. As I looked through our old chats, From the beginning of us. I remembered that day we met as if they were yesterday. The days when we would spend hours just chatting about absolutely nothing and just have a feeling of something just a bit more than a friendship running through out veins.

Those were good days.

Then I realised. I don't care if Ariana is in love with Nathan, She was my girlfriend first and I am going to tell her how I feel about her, regardless of who she loves. Yes, that is what I'll do.

But there is one problem:


Ariana's POV:

I finally decided that I would Skype Nathan in half an hour; after all we hadn't seen each other in like a month. I didn't know what I wanted. Nathan or Jai? Jai or Nathan? Frustrating huh?

I decided to do some shopping online to get my mind of everything; after all I needed some new mascara and concealer. As I began to shop, from the corner of my eye something grabbed my attention. 'NATHAN SKYKES CHEATES ON ARIANA GRANDE WITH YOUNG TEEN AT CLUB'

My heart began to race, but then I remembered the fact that the paparazzi always do this and had done it many times in our relationship, surely it couldn't be true? Could it? Of course not! What am I thinking?

But would Nathan cheat on me? I began to doubt it was true? You know how the press are always misinterpreting the situation right? Besides, He would never cheat on me. We have a secure relationship.

Would he? He wouldn't? Of course not!

On Twitter I soon saw I had over 900 twitter messages asking if the rumours were true, I didn't reply because I wasn't sure and I was going to find out. But the number 900 exceeded the usual number of just over 400 I get. Hmm?

I went back to the article advertisement and did something I don't usually do, I clicked on it. I scrolled through the magazine article and saw an image which made me contemplate my trust towards him. I saw an blurry image of the back of some guy who had his arm around another girl in. But as I examined the picture closer, he wore a black leather jacket and a plaid shirt. Something stood out was the black and white plaid shirt which was sticking out messily underneath. Also the guy was wearing either some of these guy bracelets or a watch on his left arm. The picture was a mug shot and was quite blurry.

But That shirt looked familiar. I googled 'Nathan Sykes' and look through a ton of recent images and then BOOM! I found the outfit consisting of the black and white shirt, the black skinny jeans and even three bracelets

I didn't know how to even react. Was this true? Nathan Cheated? No! It could be another person right? The guy in the image was wearing a jacket, Nathan wasn't in the images I found.

I couldn't get this 'news of my mind' and didn't know what I should do. Should I say something or ask him when I am face-to-face. If I asked him, he wouldn't lie, would he? He loves me, I know he does.

I looked at the clock, it was 6:24m and I signed in to Skype and saw Nathan was online. My fingers started to shiver when I invited him to Webchat me. Within a few short seconds I saw my boyfriend's face. He looked fine and I started to relax on the cheating rumours.

Nathan: Heyy babe, how you been?

Ariana: Hi, yeah good.

Nathan: How's the work going, you're in Australia right? Tour starts soon right?

Ariana: It's going great, Its going really well and I know the tour will be amazing, with all the stuff everyone's done for it.

I started to realise he was avoiding direct eye contact with me and I began to doubt him. I didn't know whether to confront him? Or not yet?

Then after a slight pause I began to make small talk.

Ariana: What you been up to?

Nathan: Not much, chilling, umm you know usual?

Nathan began to blab on about his solo career whilst I paid no attention to him because him the cheating rumours was penetrating on my mind constantly, With every move he made, and every word he said I got more and more agitated. Even so he was quite tensed and was stuttering too. This was getting to me. I needed to sort this out. NOW!

Suddenly something in my blood told me he was being deceitful and the rumours were somehow true. I wasn't so sure if I was doing the right thing but I had to take a risk in order to find out the truth Rudely I interrupted.

Ariana: Nathan, I know you cheated on me

Nathan: (short silence) What? What would make you thing that?

Ariana: Nathan just tell me the truth!

Nathan: (defiantly) I didn't!

Ariana: (firmly) Nathan, Stop lying to me!

(There was a pause for at least a minute)

Nathan: Look Ariana, I would never try to hurt you and you know I wouldn't, but at the club a few days back, I was feeling low lately, missing you and I went to the club to cheer myself up. Its been so difficult, I barely seen you. And well things went a bit out of control. I am missing you a lot and...

I didn't know what to think he lied to my face. I felt broken and just gutted. I began to wonder how many times he would have cheated on me before I opened my eyes today.

Ariana: Nathan, you lied to my face! I can't believe you, we have been together for nearly 2 years, I had blind faith in you and you had the nerve to betray me! After everything we have been through! Today I finally opened my eyes and realised what type of person you really are.

He began to speak but I cut him of when he began to talk and said

'Goodbye Nathan!!' And closed the chat.

Suddenly I just zoned out completely and began to cry, wondering why I thought he was the one. Why was I so stupid to think he loved me when he didn't and he never did. I thought of those promises and plans we had, soo many of them. Now it's gone down the drain forever. I remembered all those laughs we had and all the dreams we had. Forever gone.

I must have zoned out for a good hour, listening to break up songs and hearing my heart tear and die with pain.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell. Probably the butler or someone. After a long while, I went to the door and opened it. To my complete and utter shock........

It was Jai.

What did you think?

What do you think will happen?

What do you want to happen next?


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