Chapter 10: Broken & Unbroken

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Heyy everyone, I have had half term and been lucky to have time to write more for this fanfic. If im honest, I don't really know where this story is going. Im going to try to update weekly because i will have more time since there exams are over.

I would like to have some banners and trailers to display could display them in the video and photo section, so if you could make some, i would be really grateful. I would also dedicate chapters to people who do so.

Song i was listening to: Give your heart a break by Demi Lovato>>>>>> Link on left>>>>>>



Chapter 10: Broken & Unbroken

Jai's POV:

Finally I plucked up the courage to tell Ariana about my feelings for her. She had texted Luke her hotel and room number when she first checked in. But she will be a bit surprised to see me, to say the least. As I walked closer and closer, my heart began to beat faster and then the pain started to sting in my heart. Something wasn't right. I didn't know what. I needed to find out.

As I knocked on the door, I faced no reply but something stopped me from walking away. After a few minutes, the door slowly creaked open and I saw the reason. Her face was teary eyed with black mascara stains under her eyes. She had been crying.

Ariana's POV:

There is no word to describe how shocked I was to see my ex at my door when I just broke up with my boyfriend. I kind of zoned out like Jai did when I was on his doorstep a few nights back.

Then something unexpected happened, Jai pulled me in for a hug. I was first reluctant to hug back but as I smelt his scent, I realised how much I missed him. I needed him. I hugged him back and I began to hear his heartbeat once again.

A few minutes late we broke the hug and he looked me in the eye and quietly asked 'What did he do?' Jai always knew when something was up, he always did. He used said he could see it in my eyes. I love the way he can tell what's wrong without me breathing a single word. I invited him and he sat on the red couch and I sat on the velvety armchair. Something made me want to tell him all my problems but something was bugging me in the back of my mind. Oh yeah, he is my ex-boyfriend!

But regardless of that, I still told him the whole story, about my doubts of him and how I confronted him and the lies I received. How blind I was with him and how many lies he probably told me. How I even think his love was fake.

Jai silently listened and comforted me, which I couldn't believe at all. He must think I was such an idiot. No doubt. But one thing I know for sure is that I have this trust in him, its something that never faded from our friendship.

After my blabbing, he made me laugh and smile by telling me about filming the latest Janoskians video and all the reactions of the public and the security. How a few people couldn't cope with them and told the security. How the security started chasing them all over the mall and Skip, Luke Beau hid in the fitting rooms and How after like a hour they came out and the security dude was standing outside, waiting for them to show up. Jai also told me about how they were lucky just to get kicked for the day because they were close to getting fined since they had been messing around the mall alot for the videos.

As we talked I could see the pain in his eyes, he can't hide it away, its something he can't disguise. I remembered the first time we met and how we started chatting online and smiling at each other's messages. The good days. It was like we had never dated and we were best friends again which made me soo happy that I had my best friend back. A big fragment of me had set alight within me again.

We stayed up till around half 9 before we both got tongue-tied and twisted. Jai decided to leave. As he left out of the door, I felt a sign of relief that I still had him even though I had lost him. Or was he just pitying me? I didn't know but I didn't just want Jai, I needed him.

Jai's POV:

I couldn't believe Nathan cheated on her like he did and had the cheek to lie to her. Thank God, Ariana realised before it could have got too out of hand! He is a complete fool for doing that.

I'm going to be honest, I'm really mad at him but grateful to him at the same time. Mad since he broke her heart and caused her a lot of pain and grateful because he let Ariana realise what type of person he really was. I could see the pain she was suffering, Looking through her eyes is the key to her soul and I could see the pain and damage caused by him.

Who knew I would be talking to my ex like we did before we dated? Who knew I actually could feel happy doing that? I didn't ever think I would be hanging out with her the way we did especially as ex's. Talking and laughing with her made me realise that she can trust me and that we were slowly becoming friends like we used to be. And that things were finally falling into place.

Whats gonna happen next?

Please vote and I would love to know what you guys think will happen so feel free to leave your comments and opinions on the story soo far.


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