Chapter 20:

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Hey Guys

Thanks for all the comments y'all left for me, I love getting to find out your views om the story and what you all think will happen. Please continue to vote everyone, by VOTING! and COMMENTING! :D

Sorry, I am 2 days late............But i have a good reason, This next chapter I have rewritten like 9 times over the course of the week because I didnt think it was good enough or I just didnt think it could lead on to what I want to happen next. You see this story is unpredictable, I dont know where its going. When I get an idea, which I usually get at the most bizarre times, I come home and work on it, adapting it, and add to it. In this case, I got too many ideas and i tried all of them out and eventually i came up with this.

 I got a real surprise up for y'all in a few weeks so make sure you check I havn't updated! :) :D


Please let me know what you think by commenting and pleasee voteeee!


Enjoy :)

Chapter 20:

Ariana's POV

After spending a surprisingly quick hour and an half in hair and make-up, all I had left to do was get changed. Whilst having my hair curled I had been rehearsing the songs with Eric. Eric is probably the best vocal coach out there. He is sweet and he always knows me and what my needs are, he helped put a few of the songs on my 'Yours Truly' album that the producers didn't exactly think were 'top-notch' for the album. But thanks to him, they made my album get to number 1! Eric is one of the people who I'm most grateful to. The next hour we spent in the tour bus where I had something to eat and then I changed my outfit. I wore a silky high-waist printed skirt, with flowers of aqua, violet and jade green. To accompany it I wore a white crop top with a cute lacy design at the top and on the straps. I wore white wedged heels, my hair was let loose today, curls at the end of each strand. My make-up was done nice and simple, just the way I liked it.

The journey took quite some time since the traffic and the constant stops due to people blocking the road. I never used to understand how people knew that a celebrity was present in a tour bus. I never saw tour buses around Boca as a kid, ever! But the look of the big shiny bus with a big shiny image of myself was one sight pretty hard to miss!

As the journey was coming to an end, I put on my stripy cream over-sized sweater hiding my outfit for the performance.

Jai's POV:

As we walked to my guide, my view on that person became clearer and I knew there was no backing out of this.

Out of all the people in the world, why?!

I didn't think I would ever see this person again, I thought they were some kind of person that would stick in the past and they would stay there!

As I walked closer, she looked back, her ocean blue eyes both surprised yet happy to see me. She gave me a big smile as her eyes met mine. Debbie introduced me to Skye, as if I had never met her. 'Heyy Jai' she said to me, 'How you been?'

As she put her hand forward, for a second there I didn't know what she was asking me to do, but then I realised! I didn't want to do it, but after quite some thought, I reluctantly shook her hand, giving her an awkward smile.

After a bit of stuttering, I managed to reply with a 'Hi.... yeah I guess I been good' Then Debbie asked 'You know each other?' Skye looked at me and then replied with a confidant yet intimate 'Yeah, We have met before'. But, the way Skye said it made it sound like we knew each other all our lives. I liked the way she was confidant, it was different to other girls.

Surprisingly, I heard Debbie ask her, 'Have you seen Joe around? Is he here today? He was supposed to be Jai's guide today'

No Way!! Joe was supposed to be my guide! Well I don't know how long that would have lasted but I'm telling you, it wouldn't have been very long! AT ALL!

Skye looked around the store replied by saying 'I saw him today; He was here today about an hour or so ago. I'll go check if his shift is over or what?' and I saw her jog over to the desk and check out the computer. Then she went over to the staffroom. Whilst she went to check in the staffroom, Debbie told me about how busy the store was getting, especially how it was summer and people are off work and school. I nodded my head, not paying very much attention to the words she was saying; I was too busy looking around the store, trying to see if I saw any more familiar faces among the crowd.

After about a minute or so, Skye returned and told Debbie 'He is supposed to be here all of today. I looked literally everywhere I don't know where he went. Not usual for him to disappear like this'

Typical Joe! Too scared to face the truth. The truth being that I would have punched him. Anyways, I'm glad he ran away, the last thing I want is to be bossed around by that backstabbing liar!

Debbie took a minute to think and looked around the very busy store. Then she looked at Skye kind of desperately and asked 'Do you mind being Jai's guide as Joe has mysteriously disappeared. We need a lot more staff today' Skye looked at me then agreed giving a very enthusiastic smile.

I had one less problem; I didn't have to spend my day being bossed around by Joe, someone I didn't ever want to see the guts of. Seriously, if he dares to come near me, I ain't gonna be nice. With all the pain and depression he has caused me over the years, he definitely doesn't deserve it! I can't believe I ever trusted him, I can't believe I ever thought he knew me. I was wrong! All he knows is how to hurt people and destroy them. But thanks to him, I've learnt to be a stronger person, physically and mentally, and now I'm ready to face anything that comes to me. But that one good thing can't overshadow the rest of the bad things, and it never will!

But I had one more problem; I had to spend my day with Skye, a girl who is nice but sometimes too nice, if you get what I mean? She is someone who I don't know if I ever will be able to trust thanks to of idiots like Joe. It's gonna be a challenge because I don't want someone who is really nice like Skye to get mixed up in the drama which is the story of my life.

What Did y'all think?

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I will hopefully update Friday or Saturday this week, so keep an eye out :)

Cy'all very soon :) :D

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