Chapter 17: Sparks & Slush

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Hey Guys, Sooo Sorry for the wait, I had exams that determine my sets/groups next year.

THANK YOU FOR THE 100 READS IN 4 DAYS! I'M STILL SOO HAPPY ABOUT IT. I hope that one day that this story can make it to the top 5 one day!

This chapter is dedicated to: CalligraphyBrush for making me the cover that I have put as the picture for this chapter, It's really cute>>>>>>COVER BY CALLIGRAPHY BRUSH>>>>





This is a VERYY long chapter, hope yall like it!



Chapter 17: Sparks & Slush

Ariana's POV

Jai really annoyed me when he paid for the tickets, and I wasn't planning to forgive him for it either.

But as he grabbed my hand, It soon dismissed my mind as we headed to the queue of the 'Pandamonium'

The name was really cute. Pandamonim. It reminded me of a Panda. Panda's are just too cute. Jai and me agreed we would go on this first as we queued for the tickets. It wasn't too busy because of it being a weekday. It was nice weather today too. But being a weekday didn't stop one thing.

It didn't stop the fact that we were well known celebrities!

As I stood in the queue, I opened my bag for a bottle of water, Jai patted me on the shoulder and I instantly looked up, faced with at least 10 people, girls and boys, staring at me, their eyes full of shock and excitement. The lit up joy on their faces really made me smile.

I tried signing autographs and taking pictures as discreetly as possible but 10 people turned into 100 which turned into what could've been 10000! Eventually, the park staff had to take over and pull the fans back so Jai and me could get to the ride!

Jai and me sat next to each other, in front of us was this other couple, which looked to be in their late twenties, possibly early thirties. You could see that they were soul mates, just by the glow on their faces! Their eyes glimmered so perfectly as they looked at each other; I longed that to be Jai and me one day we could be like them.

As our harness' was checked by a member of staff, Jai told me to keep my eyes open, I replied with a sassy 'No Promises'

As the ride began to spin around, I started screaming and shouting for pure fun. Suddenly my hand began to touch Jai's and instantly sparks were flying. My heart felt set, I needed Jai. I loved the way he made me feel

Jai's POV

Pandamonioum was a swinging rickshaw adventure sending its captives side to side and upside down. I had been on this ride before with Luke a few years back before dating Ariana and it super! Like the best thrill ride, ever! When I told Ariana about this ride she totally wanted to visit the park, but sadly we didn't get around to it because of her album release, then everything got in the way and then our break up, but now we finally can and its actually happening! Right Here! Right now!

Ariana was screaming like mad, she looks soo cute when she is having fun Her golden hair flying around like crazy. In between all the crazy hair I could see she had listened to me and didn't close her eyes, her face was lit up with thrill and excitement, which made me even happier.

After minutes of flying and spinning around, the ride came to a smooth finish and came back down to the ground, we got of the ride and Ariana kept on thanking me. I couldn't help but smile, she looked so happy. I hope she always will be happy.

We decided to go on BuzzSaw next since we saw it as we entered the car park. BuzzSaw was the highest inversion ride in the park. As we queued up, Ariana took out her phone and took some photos of her at the park and posted them up online for her fans. As she took some pictures of her and me, we were at the front of the queue and handed our bags to the lady behind the desk who tagged them and put them aside. The ride was just amazing; it was amazing because I was with Ariana. She had this sense of liveliness and such eccentricity, which made me breathless, melting my heart like ice.

After going on Tower of Terror II, The Cyclone, Shockwave and The Giant Drop we decided to go and eat some lunch at Pizza Hut. Ariana and me sat at the back of the restaurant where there weren't that many people. It was 3:30pm; most people already had their lunch so it wasn't so busy. As we waited for the food, we took loads of pictures and talked about ridiculous things and just enjoyed ourselves, just like normal people do.

Ariana's POV

After eating clearly too much garlic bread and Pizza, Both of us left feeling completely bloated. We decided to go a few more rides, so we went on some less dramatic rides, since neither of us wanted to see our lunch for the second time today! We went on Thunder River Rapids Ride and Rocky Hollow Log Ride, I defiantly wanted to go both of them on this since it was a water ride and it was a hot summer's day.

As we got out of the Log cart, completely soaked, I began to shake my head in attempt to get the water out of my hair

Before going on any other rides, we decided to grab some Slush since the weather was quite hot. As I went to pay, from the very corner of my eye, I saw a flash. I looked out of the shop window to realise that we were getting followed by people; I didn't mean just fans either. I meant the paparazzi too. There were reporters and photographers with their camera's flashing hidden among the sea of fans. I guess they realised we had left the hotel or saw my posts online. I guess they would have realised sooner or later. Some of them started to enter the shop but before they could get in, members of staff stopped them entering.

Jai soon realised the Pap were stalking us and convinced me that we should leave since the number of photographers was increasing by the minute and it would be hard to leave with any more reporters following around. I didn't want to leave and he didn't either but I trusted Jai and he knew what was right. After paying, I grabbed my strawberry slushy of the counter and Jai and me went over to a member of staff.

Very kindly, the staff phoned security guards who would escort us to the Taxi; Jai had arranged to collect us from the back entrance of the park. The staff recommended we did that since the store was closer to the back then the front and that it would cause lesser of a disturbance.

After about 10 minutes, the manager of the store guided us to the back of the store where the staff would enter and leave from where there were 3 security men who lead us to the back entrance. Jai held my hand and told me 'everything would be 'okay' and told me to close my eyes to make me feel better.

As we walked through the crowed, Jai lead me through a hustling crowd of people, still clutching his hand for dear life. I could hear the security man telling people to back off and could hear the Pap trying to get information out of me, asking too many questions about my personal life. I opened my eyes and looked down so I wasn't going to give any attention to the paparazzi whatsoever! Jai kept on whispering to me words of advice that kept me strong.

After a few minutes, Jai and me sat in the taxi and thanked the security guards. They continued to control the Pap as we immediately drove away into the sunset.

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