The End

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A little over a year later

"Alaïa, come here." I smiled at my princess as she ran towards me. "Good job princess." I picked her up and smiled, "Let's go check on uncle Josh, yeah?" She nodded and I walked back into the small church, down the hall to Josh.

"Hey guys." He smiled.

"How's the groom?"

"Nervous, but so excited."

"Good." I patted his back, "Let's go."

I followed Josh as he made his way to the chapel doors. "I'll see ya in a minute." He gently punched my shoulder while I held Alaïa. The music started and before I knew it, we were all walking down the aisle. Alaïa was the flower girl, so I left her with Jenna before I walked in. I watched the door until I finally saw my wife walk in, she was in a stunning red dress, along with all the other bridesmaids, but she obviously looked the best. She smiled and looked down when she caught me staring at her, her baby bump was just big enough to notice it in the loose fitting dress.

Alaïa came in soon after, my princess was matching her momma in a red dress, a basket full of red rose petals in her hand, she threw about three of them on the ground before spotting me and running over to me yelling "Daddy." I smiled as the small crowd awed and laughed. Picking her up, I turned her attention to Debby who walked in in a white, long dress. It wasn't like Jenna's was, Debby's dress looked like one that a princess would wear. It was beautiful, and very tasteful.

The ceremony seemed to fly by, there were tears shed of course, but tears of happiness. We found ourselves dancing away at the reception. We sang and laughed, then we found ourselves all sitting in the living room of our house. Boxes stacked up everywhere seeing as everyone was moving out. Debby and Josh weren't leaving for their honeymoon until early in the morning, they wanted to spend some time with us after the wedding before they moved to California.

"Can you believe it?" Debby spoke as we all stared at the ceiling of our house. "I feel like it was just yesterday I walked in that door for the first time."

"Time flies by when you're having fun." I smiled.

"I guess so." Debby sighed and intertwined her hand with Joshs. "Thank you guys so much. You all are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"We think the same of you," Jenna looked over at the red head, "I would've gone mad alone with two boys." We all let out a soft laugh.

"It's been great, but all good things must come to an end I suppose." Josh kissed Debby's hand.

"Hey Josh?" I looked over to him.


"Did you guys ever tell the clique you guys got married?"

"Oh... No I forgot." We all laughed.

"They are going to have a ball with that." Jenna said softly.

"What about you guys having a second baby?"Josh started, "They just found out about Alaïa six months ago and they about had a come apart."

"Hey, they will have to let us live with some privacy." I smiled.

"I think most of them respect that." Debby defended our friends.

"Oh yeah, for sure. Every once in awhile though, I get a little worried." I sat up and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box beside me.

"We will never have total privacy again, unless we lock ourselves away." Josh continued, "I'm just glad we don't have a ton of psychopaths in our fan base."

"No, not psychopaths, but there are a lot of very, very committed people. I rarely feel unsafe around them though." Jenna said.

"Yeah." I looked down, "They've done a lot for us. All the support while we've gone through some rough stuff."

"Definitely." Josh smiled sadly as his phone buzzed. "It's time for us to leave."

"Leave? It's only-" I looked down at my phone, "Oh, five in the morning."

"So, this is it, huh?" Debby sat up.

"I guess so." Jenna sighed as we all stood up.

"It's not like it's forever, we will still see each other often." I tried to lighten the mood, but really my eyes were filling with tears and my chest felt like I was being stabbed as a lump burned the back of my throat.

"There's always facetime." Debby and Jenna both noticed Josh and I tearing up and pulled us all into a hug. We stayed holding each other for awhile. I held my breath to try to keep from years spilling, of course I failed.

Once we all pulled away, Josh and I quickly wiped our faces, Debby gave me one more hug and Jenna did the same to Josh before both going out the door, leaving us two guys alone. "Why are we so torn up about this?" I chuckled.

"Because we've lived together since we were in high school, we've been through hell and back."

"I'll never forget the first thing you said to me," I tilted my head back and let out a small laugh.

"What was it?"

"You walked up to me after Luke best the shit out of me and said, 'Hey man, are you okay?', and in that moment, I wasn't. I was the furthest thing from okay, but now, because of you, I am doing amazing."

"I don't want that to change because I'm moving." Tears threatened to spill from both of our eyes.

"It won't. I swear."

"Text me anytime."

"I will."

"Call me anytime. If I don't answer, call again."

"You do the same." I pulled him into one last hug then we joined the girls outside.

"You ready?" He led Debby to the car.

"Yeah. Bye guys." We all waved and shared one last I love you before they moved.

"Until they come around again." Jenna squeezed my hand and pulled me inside. I pulled out my phone and began typing frantically. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I miss Josh." I immediately answered and she just laughed.

Me: i miss you bro, come back :(

the enddddd

~ peteywentzy

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