Then There Where Four

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"What about this?" Debby held up what seemed like the fiftieth shirt for Jenna, which of course Jenna loved. They seemed to have very similar styles.

"How long have we been here?" I asked Josh as we sat on the chairs, watching the girls shop.

"About an hour."

"Oh cool cool." I sighed. "I love taken my girl shopping, but I forget that girls take a lot longer than boys."

Josh chuckled, "That's very true."

"I'm going to go checkout, then we can move on." Jenna walked over and kissed my cheek, I handed her my debit card and Debby walked with her to the cash register.

"So you and Debby aren't official yet?"

"Not yet, I think I'm going to take her somewhere nice to ask her this weekend. It's not like we are complete strangers because like I said, we were friends through middle and most of high school then dated for almost two years."

"So is it staying a secret?"

"Yeah. I want it to be a total surprise."

"Fun stuff, man." I smirked, remembering the night that I asked Jenna to be my girlfriend and how special it was at the lake.

"Alright are you guys ready?" Jenna held her new bag of clothes and handed me my card back.

"I am."

"Me too." Josh and I both stood up, eager to leave the store.

"Where to next?" Josh asked.

"Well since Debby went to get clothes with me, I want to go get clothes with her." Jenna said excitedly.

"Oh we don't have to-"

"Oh come on Debby. It'll be fine. You'll get some more girl time." I smiled softly.

"And you guys are really okay with it?" She asked me and Josh.

"Absolutely." We both agreed.

"But before we do, I need to pee." Jenna said suddenly, we laughed and made our way to the bathroom before heading to any other stores. I leaned against the wall while Josh and Debby were on the other side of the small hallway talking to each other. "Okay, let's go." Jenna walked ahead of me, I noticed that she almost had the pregnancy waddle down. She was much bigger than I was expecting for only being four months pregnant, but then again, she was rather tiny to begin with.

"Debby this dress would be so pretty on you." Jenna pulled out a long white dress that had a simple yellow flower pattern on it.

"Oh that's kinda stunning." Debby gently grabbed the material.

"The dress would be even more stunning on you." Josh wrapped his arms around her from behind, making me smile because they were just so gosh darn cute.

"Thanks, dude." She smiled.

"And it's on clearance because it's a summer dress and now it's fall. You should go try it on." Jenna clapped.

"Alright, you come with me though and let me know what you think." She took Jenna's hand and lead her to the dressing rooms.

"What are you smiling about?" Josh rubbed the back of his neck.

"You two are just really cute, that's all." I turned my attention to other racks of clothes.

"Well thanks. I've been trying to think of where to take her this weekend. I think I might do like an actual small trip, just down to Tennessee or something."

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