Check Ups

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"Josh, will you drive?"

"Sure." I handed him the keys and got in the back seat. "Is something wrong, Tyler?"

"No, I just feel weird." I shrugged.

"You sure?" Jenna asked as we all got in the car.

"Yeah, positive."

"Okay, Jenna, what do you want for lunch?" Josh asked once he started the car.

"What about chicken nuggets? I really want some chicken right now."

"Sounds good to me. Tyler, are you okay with that?"

"Huh?" I just realized I had zoned out once again, "Oh, yeah, that's fine." I stared out the window noticing Jenna and Josh occasionally turning to look at me or checking on me through the mirrors.

"Okay guys, let's eat." Josh sat down the bag of food on the counter after finishing the long conversation with Jenna about whatever they were talking about, he passed out the food and their conversations ceased when we began eating. I only got some fries because I wasn't feeling the best, but everyone else happily ate their food.

"I think I'm going to lay down." I threw away my trash and started to leave.

"Tyler, you're sure you're okay?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling kinda blah."

"Do you think it has to do with running around in the rain all day?" She kept asking questions with a smirk.

"No- I, uh, yeah. Maybe." I laughed a little, the other two also laughing.

"Go lay down babe. I'll come check on you in a minute." Jenna kisses the side of my face.

I crawled into bed, curling up under the warm covers and pretty quickly fell asleep.

"So having pneumonia feels like a constant anxiety attack physically." I coughed as I laid on the couch next to Jenna.

"Um that kinda sucks." Josh yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, but like I don't feel sick, sick, though. Like other than typical anxiety symptoms, everything is fine, well besides being cold from fevers. But I don't feel like I do typically when I'm sick. I don't want to just sleep and lay around, I want to be up and do things."

"Yes, but you have to wait until you can walk across the room without getting winded." Jenna warned me.

"I know. It's just super annoying. I can't even sing."

"Maybe you shouldn't go out in the rain for so long anymore." Josh teased.

"Oh whatever, this is not the rains fault."

"Tyler, the doctor said this was the rains fault." Jenna laughed.

"Jenna, the rain would never do me dirty like this."

"Mhmm, sure." Jenna rolled her eyes. "Josh is taking me to my appointment today by the way."

"Call me and let me know how it goes?"

"Of course." She kissed my head and got up.

"We will be back soon, Ty. Call me if you need anything." Josh waved.

"Bye Josh, bye love." I waved to them as they left.
Jenna's POV

"Okay Jenna, you know the routine." Doctor Eves smiles at me and I rolled up my shirt. She applied the cold gel to my stomach and began scanning it. A soft heartbeat began to sound through the speakers of the ultrasound machine. I looked at Josh who was standing next to me.

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