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"Okay, this time I'm going to get it." I adjusted my body one more time and started playing My Blood.

"Ty, just take a break." Jenna suggested.

"I can do this, come on I did Jumpsuit just fine."

"Tyler, I hate to be that person but you're obviously in pain. We've recorded everything perfectly for Jumpsuit. There are just a few small thing to adjust there. Besides we only have ten minutes left. Next time we are here maybe you'll be back to one hundred percent." Josh set down his drum sticks and picked his shirt up off the ground.

"Fine." I decided against arguing, I was lucky they even let me play one song. I put my arm back in to the sling and Josh helped me fasten it around my back. Jenna had left the room for a phone call of some sort so it was just Debby, Josh, and I.

"Can we listen to it again?" Debby asked us when we walked out of the smaller room.

"Sure." I sat down in a chair and pushed a small black button, making the song start. The song faded in, Josh's drums started, then it all calmed down as I sang.

"Okay stop it right there." Debby told me to pause the song right before the bridge, "What if during that part you have your vocals echoing 'cover me' in the back ground like it does after the chorus."

"Oh," I pointed at her then turned to Josh, "that could be really cool."

"Try it." Josh sent me in the sound both.

They played the song and hit record, I waited for the build up, "Cover me ohhhh, cover me ohhhhh, cover me ohhh, cover me ohhhh." I listened to the rest of the song through the headphones, and motioned them to keep playing the song. I listened to the harmony during the bridge. The last chorus was about to happen, I held up my hand for them to stop the music and the recording, "Delete the soft vocals for the last chorus I have an idea." They played the song and I waited for the build up, making the last chorus complete screaming.

The song stopped and they cut off the recording, "I loved that." Josh said into the small mic.

"I think I liked that more than the last ending." I said, holding my chest, slowly catching my breath.

"Agreed." Debby smiled.

"It had a lot more emotion." Josh confirmed. "Are you okay?" He looked at me, concerned.

"I'm fine, just deep breaths hurt a lot, so um, I'm just struggling through that." I crouched down for a second while I continued to catch my breath.

Josh came in the room and bent down beside me, "You should've taken it easy until you were one hundred percent."

"I'm fine." He helped me up from the ground. We edited the part that I had just recorded, mostly the bit before the bridge, then saved it to a hard drive and emailed a copy to myself, Josh, and Pete.

"Is Jenna still outside?" I asked.

"Yeah." Josh grabbed Debby's hand and we walked outside.

"Hey love." I hugged Jenna from behind with my one arm.

"Hey. Sorry I was talking to your doctor, they want you to come in on Monday, but I have plans to go out with Tatum and Maddie, so I was seeing if Will or Zack could take you but they are both busy with work." She sighed and turned in my arms. "I might have to cancel and reschedule when I can met with them."

"Don't get stressed out, babe. I'm sure we can figure something out."

"I would offer but I have to fly out Sunday night to meet with Remo." Josh frowned.

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