Packed Up

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I sat alone for most of the night, except for when Alaïa woke up to eat. I tried to sleep, I really did. It just didn't work out. Soon enough seven o'clock rolled around and Josh came shuffling into the living room.

"Good morning." I smiled from the couch, closing my laptop.

"Good morning." He yawned, "Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"At all?"

"Not a bit." I shook my head and rubbed my hands up and down my face a couple times.

"You need to try to take a nap today."

"I'm not three." I chuckled.

"But you're a human. One who needs sleep."

"I suppose."

"Jenna is going to be upset."

"Not if I don't tell her."

"If you don't, I will."

"Damnit, Josh."

"Language." He warned as I followed him into the kitchen. "Where's Alaïa?"

"Still asleep."


"Yeah she's still not feeling too good."

"Well that sucks."

"Yeah. What time are the girls getting home?" I started making a pot of coffee.

"I think Debby said they weren't suppose to get home until ten thirty tonight."

"Ugh that's sooooooo long."

"I know, but they are so worth the wait."

___10:30 a.m.

"Okay, I just got a call and the ring is in so I'm going to run out and get it-"

"Hey guys!" Debby walked in the room.

"Debby!" Josh cheered but looked at me, panicked.

"We got an early flight home and decided to surprise you all." Jenna hugged me as she spoke.

"Okay, well I'm sure you're both exhausted but come on Jenna, we got somewhere to go." I winked at Josh and took Jenna back to our room because Alaïa had just woken up from her morning nap.

"Hi baby." Jenna smiled and picked her up. "What was that about, Ty?" She looked at me confused.

"We need to go pick up the ring." I whispered, "It just got in and Josh was about to go get it."

"Ohhh okay." She nodded and changed Alaïa's diaper, then we made our way to the front door.

"We will be back soon." I smiled and waved at them.

"Hey we are here to pick up and order for Josh Dun. I was here with him yesterday."

"Of course." The same man that I talked to must've recognized me. He came back not too much later with a ring, "Here you are." He handed me the small box.

"Thank you and was there anything else I needed to do?"

"Just sign here." He smiled and handed me a paper.

"Alright, thanks." I waved him 'goodbye' after signing my name, then joined Alaïa and Jenna back in the car.

"Let me see." Jenna begged. I opened the ring box for her to look. "Oh my gosh."


"It's so pretty."

"Now we just have to keep it a secret."
______monday, the day before they leave

"Is everyone packed?" Josh asked.

"Yep." Both girls responded happily.

"I'm about to start." I got up from the couch.

"You haven't even started yet?" Debby asked in disbelief.

"Not yet." I chuckled.

"Dude." Josh laughed.


"You're ridiculous." He shook his head.

"I know."

"We leave in eight hours for the airport, you should probably get started." Debby checked the time which was exactly midnight.

"I'm going, I'm going." I waved them off and went to my room. I packed rather quickly, bringing a few nice outfits for when I would take Jenna out for surprise dates. Alaïa was already at Zack and Tatums house so we didn't have to worry about that.

"Hey guys?" I walked into the living room when I finished. Everyone was asleep though. "Losers." I snorted. I turned off the tv and took Debby to Joshs bed, then Jenna to ours. I went back to the living room and covered Josh up, making sure he was comfortable on the couch before returning to my room. I took mine and Jenna's suitcases to the car, then went back for Debby's and Josh's.

"Come to bed." Jenna rolled over and looked towards the doorway I was standing in.

"I'm on my way love, don't worry." I finished walking in the room and laid beside her.

I didn't sleep very much. Probably a total of an hour, maybe two. Struggling to sleep has always been an issue for me, I stopped taking the sleeping medicine the doctor put me on because it kept me tired most of the morning and I hated that feeling. Josh is the only one who knows that I'm still struggling to sleep. That's my main problem right now. The voices have wondered off for the most part, I'm not depressed all the time, anxiety still gets the best of me sometimes, but it's manageable. Everything is turning out okay.

I rolled out of bed after Jenna and we all rushed around to get ready, we all wore our "airport clothes" which mostly consisted of joggers, t-shirts, light jackets, Converse or Vans, and beanies.

"Load up kiddos." Josh said when we got out the door. Josh and I took the front seats and the girls took the back. "I'm so excited." Josh smiled.

"Me too." I had sent him a text earlier saying the ring was in my bag. I double and triple checked to make sure I didn't forget it. This trip was going to be life changing.

I'm so excited
- peteywentzy

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