One Last Song

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"Are you sure you can do this?" Josh asked, "We can edit today and record this one when we come back."

"No, I'm okay." I rubbed my eyes and cleared my throat, "I just need some air." I stood up from the piano and walked through the doors, leaving Josh sitting behind the sound booth.

It's just like Goner. Why can't I get through it?

"It's more raw."

"It's more real."

"Really? You guys think so?" I spoke as I walked in the sidewalk.

"For sure. I mean, this time you're actually telling others not to hurt themselves."

"It's not just you anymore."

"You know they are all counting on you to make it."

"That's added pressure."

"I guess."

"You know what they feel like."

"You knowing their pain makes this more painful for you because you love them."

"You got it. Go get em, tiger." The last of the nine spoke then they were silenced.

tw mentions of scars and sh

I stood in the cold air for a few more minutes. I looked down at my arms, I was wearing a t-shirt because it got hot in the small recording room. I glanced over all the faded scars, no one would probably notice them at this point. My eyes wondered to the gauze pad covering a small patch on my arm. Why did I relapse?

I was broken from my thoughts when I heard rustling in the bushes beside where I was standing. I leaned back to try to see what made the noise, but I saw person. Two people. With cameras. I sighed, "Don't hide, guys. It just makes it more creepy." I ran my hands through my hair. I didn't have very many paparazzi follow or stalk me, but I know that people have become curious as to where Josh and I have been. The two men emerged from the bushes and I walked over to them. "Hey, I would appreciate it if you didn't do anything with those photos. Me and my band mate are trying to have some privacy for awhile."

"Tyler, are you guys recording new music?" One of the guys completely ignored my comment.

"No comment."

"Tyler, is it true that Josh Dun is dating Debby Ryan?"

"That's none of my business."

"Tyler, what happened to your arm?" The guy pointed at the white cloth.

"Please leave before I have security come out here."

"Where have you and Josh been?"

"Did you two have a falling out?" I just shook my head laughing and walked away.


"There are two paparazzi outside. I don't know if there are anymore, but I'd guess you should notify security." I told the girl at the front desk.

"Okay, thank you." She nodded and picked up the phone beside her.

"Yeah." I mumbled and walked back into the studio.

"You good man?" Josh patted my back.

"Yep. Let's do this." I remembered what the voices told me, they need this. I sat at my piano and started playing the melody, "Whats my problem well I want you to follow me down to the bottom underneath the insane asylum."

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