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"You still haven't heard from Debby?" I asked Jenna again.

"No, Ty. Relax, I'm sure they are fine."

"It's one in the morning and Josh hasn't answered any of my text."

"Maybe they crashed at Debby's place." Jenna tried to assure me as I paced the room and she laid on the bed with our sleeping baby girl.

"I feel like they would've told us."

"I think you are stressing out and over thinking because you haven't had enough sleep."

"You're probably right." I sat on the edge of the bed, but bounced my leg, anxiously.

"Hey," she crawled over and hugged me from behind, "I'm sure they are fine." Just as she finished both of our phones went off.

josh: Sorry dude. I just saw your message. We are fine, staying at Debby's tonight. Tell Alaïa uncle Josh misses her.

tyler: it's all good, man. i will. have a good night.

"I told you they'd be fine." Jenna smirked after setting down her phone.

"Whatever." I tried to hide my smile and laid back beside my girls.

Jenna moved Alaïa into the small crib beside our bed and we both got under the covers after I turned out the light. Jenna rested her head on my chest and we both fell asleep quickly.

I shot up out of bed, panting. I ran my hands through my hair. I shook my head quickly, trying to get rid of the anxious feeling. Like I had just woken up from a nightmare, but couldn't remember what it was about. "Tyler?" Josh rushed into the room.

"Yeah?" I managed to stutter out.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Why?" I looked at my friends concerned face.

"You were screaming. I thought something bad had happened." He looked slightly relieved, but also confused.

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare I think. I can't remember what it was about though."

"Okay. Well Jenna had to take Alaïa for her one week check up thing, she didn't want to wake you up to go because you didn't sleep well the other night. Debby and I have coffee in the kitchen. Join us once you're ready?" He said more like a question.

"Yeah. I'll be there in just a second."

"Alright." He started to leave but turned back around, "Hey Ty?"


"Deep breaths." He shook his head smiling and walked away.

I smiled a little then threw my legs over the side of the bed. My shirt stuck to my skin from sweating. I peeled it off before getting up and tossing it aside. I kept taking deep breaths as I made my way to our bathroom. I got cleaned up then looked in the mirror. "Frick." I laughed quietly to myself as I looked at how scared I still looked from the dream. I shook my head and walked to the closet to pull out a plain white t-shirt.

"There he is." Debby smiled at me when I entered the kitchen.

"Hey." I grinned back.

"How you feelin?" Josh sipped his coffee.

"Better. I think." I poured myself some coffee and joined them at the table.

"Good." He ruffled my hair, "Do you want something to eat?"

"No, I'm okay." I answered.

"Well good answer because all we have is a couple pieces of bread and some butter." Josh laughed and took another swing of his coffee.

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