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"Please just go to sleep, Ty." Jenna asked me as Akilah left the room with Alaïa.

"No, I'm awake. I'm okay." I hadn't sat down since Josh and Debby left.

"Why won't you go to sleep?"

"Because love, I want to make sure you are okay, that Alaïa is okay."

"We are both fine, Tyler. You need to be okay too." She grabbed my arm. "You have slept two hours in the past forty eight hours. That's not okay."

"Jenna-" I started to argue.

"No, Tyler. No excuses, please." She scooted over so I could sit by her.

"At least let me wait until Debby and Josh get back so you aren't alone."

"Well we are back so perfect timing." Josh walked in the room with food. "Eat then sleep." He handed me a bag.

"Fine." I sat in the floor even though Jenna offered me a spot.

"Why are you in the floor?" Josh rolled his eyes at me.

"Cause I wanna be." My words slurred together.

"Fair enough." Josh looked at me with pity in his eyes. We pasted out the food and drinks and everyone enjoyed their dinner.

Akilah came back with Alaïa and laid her in the small bed they brought her in originally, "She fell asleep during her check up. She will probably stay asleep until next time she needs to eat. I'll come and check on you guys soon."

"Thank you." Jenna smiled.

"Of course." Akilah left the room. I laid my head back on the chair I was sitting against, before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. I felt like I had only slept forty five minutes before I woke up to Alaïa crying. I sat up quickly and saw Josh getting up, he picked her up and handed her to Jenna who looked down at me.

"Ty, go back to sleep. She's okay, just hungry."

"What time is it?"

"Eleven." Debby answered.

"Perfect I took an hour nap so now I can be awake with you guys." I stood up.

"Tyler-" Debby started.

"No, I'm okay. Power naps."

"When she's done. You're going back to sleep." Jenna said.

"Right after I hold her for a bit." I smirked.

"Fair enough. Then sleep." Jenna smiled at me.


Akilah entered the room quietly but when she saw we were all awake, she relaxed a bit, "Okay guys, I know it's late and I know you're feeding right now, but Doctor Eves says it might be a day or two longer before you get to go home."

"Why?" Jenna asked quickly.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with the baby. She just wants to keep an eye on you, Jenna. Normally your stitches would look a lot better and your bleeding would've calmed down a bit. Nothing to worry about though, she just wants to be sure everything is perfect when you go home."

"Okay, that's fine." Jenna didn't let her usual smile falter.

I however, followed Akilah out of the room, "Is Jenna going to be okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Joseph. Everything will be fine. This happens sometimes when women stay on antidepressants during their pregnancy, Jenna's blood is just a little thin. She'll be fine." Akilah grabbed my shoulder then walked away.

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