The Aftermath

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"We are home!" I dropped my bag at the door and ran through the house to the living room.

"I missed this place." Josh joined me on the couch.

"It smells like home. I miss it."

"Well I'm glad you boys are home." Jenna followed us and sat on the other couch.

"Good to be here." I smiled. "I'm exhausted though."

"Yeah coming home from tour is like coming down from a high, it's like 'oh wow! this is so exciting!' then you get home and it's just like 'oh my gosh I could sleep for the rest of my life' you know?" Josh yawned.

"Why don't you guys go to bed? It's nearly eleven o'clock anyway." Jenna suggested.

"Fine. But join me in a little bit?" I questioned.

"Sure." She smiled. "Just leave your bags in here, I'm going to go ahead and start washing clothes."

"Are you sure I don't mind to help?" Josh offered.

"No I've got it. You guys go on, you're clearly beat."

"Alright, thanks Jenna."

"Yes, thank you, love."

"No problem." She kissed me before I walked back to our room.

I changed clothes and laid down in our bed, "Ugh." I groaned when I realized I had left my phone charger in the living room. "I guess it'll just die tonight." I shrugged and tossed the small device onto the nightstand, rolled over, and quickly feel asleep.

"Tyler?" Jenna shook me lightly.

"Hmm?" I rolled over to see the lovely woman standing over me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you've been sleeping since eleven last night."

"Well what time is it now?"

"Eight o'clock... pm."

"How did I sleep that long?" I chuckled.

"Well you where very tired, but now you are just going to be up all night." Jenna laughed.

"I guess my body just realized that I'm done with tour and kinda shut down."

"I mean, I woke you up this morning and you took your meds and everything then fell right back asleep." She laughed and sat beside me.

"Well then. What time did Josh get up?"

"Around three."

"Oh okay." I moved myself out of the bed an achy feeling went through my body, making me move slower, "Why am I so sore?" I asked aloud to myself.

"Josh was wondering the same thing when he woke up. Maybe it's all the running around you did over tour, it's probably catching up to you just like the lack of sleep."


"Well I made dinner earlier and there are leftovers, do you want me to heat them up for you?"

"Yes please." I smiled at her.

"Okay." She bent over and kissed my head before leaving the room. I got up and changed into different sweatpants and a different t-shirt, then went to the kitchen.

"Josh." I wrapped my arms around the built man.

"Hi." He laughed nervously, "Whatcha doin'?"

"Hugging you obviously." I laid my head on him.

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