All Day

85 5 2

counting calories & eating disorders mentioned*****

Tyler?" Someone knocked on the door, waking me up.


"How are you feeling?" Josh sat on the floor in front of me so I looked down at him.


"Just fine?" He felt my head.

"Yes, mom." We both chuckled, "Just still weak, that's all."

"Why don't you eat something? I can make you a peanut butter sandwich." He offered.

Too many calories. "No, I'm okay." I declined.

"You need to eat."

"Well, what about," I thought for a moment, something that I use to eat, "oh, what about celery?"

"Jenna might have used the rest of it in chicken salad earlier, I'll go check." He stood up and started to walk out the door, but turned around, "Are you sure that there's nothing else bothering you?"

"Yeah." I lied. Josh was too smart, he'd catch onto the game eventually.

"Okay." He said, I could tell he didn't believe me. Soon he returned in the room with a small plate. "We didn't have any celery left, so I made you a small bowl of chicken salad." He took a deep breath, "It's not as many calories as a peanut butter sandwich."

"Thank you." I avoided eye contact but smiled a little.

"We aren't doing this again though. You are eating a real meal tomorrow."

"Okay." I looked down at the bowl and Josh left the room. I took a few bites then set the bowl down.

** warning over

Josh brought back a glass of water and a small pill, "For your head."

"Thank you." I took the pill and Josh took his spot back on the floor.

"Brad sent me a couple pictures from yesterday and they actually turned out really good. You should have them too in your email."

"Oh sick. He did that fast."

"Yeah man." Suddenly, booming thunder interrupted our conversation.

"I love storms." A smiled spread across my face and I got up to open the blinds behind Josh. The sky was nearly black but the rain hadn't started yet. "Isn't it too cold for a storm?"

"No, it's actually like fifty degrees today."

"Oh." I wasn't surprised, I mean it's Ohio, the weather is crazy.

"Yeah, it'll cool back down in a couple days."

I stared out the window, "Do you think we will have a white Christmas?"

"I hope so. That'd be great."

"I hope so too."

"Ty, my boo thing, my baby daddy, my man!" Jenna smiled and entered our room.

"Yes?" I laughed as she came over to kiss me.

"I missed you, that's all." She grinned.

"I missed you too. Why are you so smiley?" I smirked at her beautiful grin.

"Because we could be having a baby in three weeks. Which means it really could be any day now." I moved so she could lay down, "I've never been more excited. I want this thing out of me."

"I'm sorry babe." I kissed her head which was now laying in my lap.

"It's fine. I'm also so excited to meet her. But mostly excited to get rid of the back pain and headache."

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