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"I'm running to the airport to get Debby. I think she's going to stay here tonight since it's closer than her house and Thanksgiving is tomorrow." Josh shoved his phone and keys in his hoodie pocket.

"Alright, we'll see you later." I waved at him and he walked out the front door.

"I'm going to run to the store, I'll be back soon." Jenna kisses my cheek.

"Why are you going? Stay with me, it's getting late." I grasped her hand.

"I have to go get stuff to cook tomorrow." She laughed, "Do you want me here tonight, or do you want pumpkin pie tomorrow?"

"Mhmmm, you drive a hard bargain." I kissed her hand and allowed her to walk away.

"Love you!"

"Love you too, Jen." I smiled to myself, "Be safe."

"I always am." I heard the door click behind her. I went back to our small studio and sat in front of my piano.

"Heart beats fast colors
and promise, how to be brave
how can I love when I'm afraid to fall?" I sang softly through the verse.

"I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you
for a thousand years
I'll love for a thousand more"

I played the song, thinking of Jenna and Alaïa. My two loves.... and I mean Josh too, but that's beside the point. I continued to play whatever came to mind as I waited for my friends to get home.

"Tyler?" I heard someone yell over the piano. I stood up and walked to the living room.

"Yes?" I peaked my head around the corner.

"Could you help us out?" Josh was at the door with two of Debby's bags.

"Of course." I walked over to him, "Where's Debby?"

"She's asleep in the car, I didn't want to wake her up, she's exhausted."

I nodded and walked out the door to the car, at the same time, Jenna pulled into the driveway. "Hey." I walked over and kissed her.

"Hi. Josh and Debby just got home?"

"Yeah. Do you need help with groceries?"

"When one of you gets the chance." She smiled as Josh walked out the door.

"I'll get Debby and take her to your room." I told Josh, he nodded and grabbed her other bag along with bags from Jennas car. I held Debby and carried her through the house, into Josh's room. I laid her down carefully and covered her up.

She rolled over to face me and opened her eyes, smiling for just a second before falling back asleep, "Thanks, Ty."

"You're welcome, get some sleep." I walked to the door and looked back to see the art hanging from Josh's walls. Painted and drawn pictures of the clique, of Josh, Jenna, and I, of Debby. I hadn't been in his room for awhile so some of the pieces were new. I let my eyes wonder before I got to a new colored picture above all the other ones. It was Josh and I standing on stage, the crowd behind us, but the point of view was from side stage with two girls in front, facing us. Jenna and Debby. The words "My Kind." Were written neatly at the top. I smiled and flipped off the light.

"How was the store?" I entered the kitchen where I helped Josh and Jenna finish putting everything away.

"It was busy."

"And the drive to the airport?"

"Good." Josh smiled.


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