"Ronald Weasley," Harry said to his mirror.

"Hey, mate! You found Hermione yet?" Ron asked.

"She's here, Ron. I just can't seem to overpower the enchantment," he sighed.

"Gin! Stop snogging Luna and Neville and get your arse in here!" Ron called out.

"Too much info, Ron," Harry snorted.

"You know those three... Anyway, oh great! There here. Let me just set it up," Ron moved around until Harry could see all of his four friends on the screen.

"I need all of your help. Please come to Congo and help me to overpower the enchantment. Once it's broken, I can track her," Harry explained.

"We'll be there, mate," Ron readily agreed.

"We'll grab a portkey right now," Neville stood from his seat and vanished from the screen.

"Don't worry, Harry, we'll find Hermione," Luna said reassuringly.

"Yeah and when she's safe back here, you can shag her rotten after all these years," Ginny tried to lighten the mood.

"I'm afraid to call you my sister sometimes," Ron said in disgust.

"What? I'm just being realistic," Ginny huffed.

"Call me once you're ready to come here, guys. I'll be waiting here," Harry broke the burgeoning argument between the youngest Weasleys.

When the call ended, Harry sighed as he looked at the crystal in his hand. It was still glowing brightly. Its light had never wavered. While that fact gave him hope, every day he spent away from Hermione made his heart break.

He was very worried about her that he feared for his sanity. He couldn't think of anything else but her. He had trouble sleeping. He had trouble eating. His every thought was consumed by her. The only thing keeping him grounded was the drive to find her. He had to save Hermione. He just had to.

He would die trying just to make sure that she would return home safely.

He would climb any mountain, search every valley, and cross every river if he had to. He would bloody check every nook and cranny in Congo just to find Hermione Granger.


"Are you ready guys?" Harry asked his friends. He was standing in the middle of a circle, his friends surrounding him, and he was holding the crystal in front of them.

"Ready," they chorused.

Harry nodded solemnly and they all pointed their wands to the glowing crystal.

"Revelio Corazon," they all said with determination.

It seemed that minutes had passed and nothing was happening. All five of them were exerting their magic, their foreheads laced with sweat, they were starting to get tired but they pushed through. All of them were determined to find Hermione.

They were about to lose hope when Harry started to see a vision of a dark cave. There was a woman with curly brown locks. When the woman turned around, Harry was shocked. It was Hermione but she looked aged. It's like she was cursed – or turned into a creature.

"Guys, I know where she is," he announced and his friends immediately lowered their wands.

"Great! Then we can go to Hermione – " Ginny started to say but he immediately interrupted her.

"No! You guys stay here. I'll go alone," he insisted.

"But mate it could be dangerous!" Ron countered.

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