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Chaewon III

"There. You're okay now." she said after she finished patching up another wounded soldier's chest. So many of them she lost count. She saved and cured so many,but not so many. For each soldiers succumbed to their wound,their souls weigh on her shoulder. She knew it would be impossible to saved them all,but still,a physician sole goal is to save lives. Failing to do so,is a failure. What made her sane is the gratitude of each soldiers she cured,a lot of them still eager to fight. It amazed her how her father inspired men to do so,still eager to plunge into the chaos of war despite their woes. Although not all of them,she saw so many blank stare,war could make a man a husk of his former self,disheartened so bad they just wished death altogether,refusing treatment.

She start seeing double. Quicker this time. Fatigue. A sign for her to stop working,for just a moment,till her vision get normal again. She instructs the other physicians under her command to continue the work and switch up to rest whenever they feel too tired. It would be silly if these physicians add to the number of patient,Chaewon concur. We don't have that luxury.

She emerge from the tent,took a lungful of fresh air and composed herself. The sight of the walled city of Jilin looms in the horizon. There linger her father's enemy,the Nuzheni chieftain Nuerhachi himself,with the rest of his surviving army. To Chaewon's knowledge,the High King haven't received Nuerhachi's capitulation yet. stubborn she muttered to herself. She knew a thing or two about that word.

"If you have any idea on how to besiege the city,you're very welcomed to share it with us." A familiar voice break Chaewon's surrounding silence. She wished that voiced belong to Mansik,but sadly it was not.

"father..." as per usual,he's flanked by his trusted giants,Kwangjo and Juntae,with Lady Jungah behind him along several men from the auxiliary force.

"Well,it's a longing stare if i ever saw one. Someone's here is missing her swornspear looks like." Juntae said,guffawed. "See? She's getting red" said the jovial giant. Chaewon do felt her cheek getting warmer indeed.

"stop teasing your own king's daughter,mind your manner" Jungah said,stern and commanding. Juntae was twice her size but it seems she doesn't mind that at all. she remind her of her own mother,but less spiteful.

"your grace,after you" Kwangjo thus stand at the edge of the tent,allowing the King to enter followed closely by himself.

"Juntae you're not entering?" asked Chaewon,just trying to start up a conversation. She hates it so,just standing around awkwardly looking at the surrounding. Furthermore,been a while since she speak with Juntae outside the usual war council meeting. In that setting,Juntae was too menacing,the approachable gentle giant she knew since a child was no longer there. But here,he's back.

"No my sweet lady,Kwangjo himself took enough of the space. So i'll just wait here" he roared up a laugh.

"Do you have to end every last of your sentence with a laugh?" asked Jungah,annoyance was clear in her voice.

"see that right there? Like mother like daughter,the Crimson Owl asked the same thing once. I just laugh louder and she left,stomping."

"odd fellow you are." The elder lady sighed,defeated since she can't coax a proper answer. "refused to be knighted,refused to be ennobled,refused the chance to become count or lord somewhere despite your long service to Geom. Instead asking for a miniscule patch of land nearby the palace. If it were me,i would bled him dry." She add.

"lady Jungah,look at me. Do you see a knight? Do you see a lord? Hm?" he asked,while leaving his hand hanging on the side and raising his shoulder


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