Chapter 47 : Court of Owls & Pond of Two Fishes

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Jungeun VI

Hanok Palace. it's supposed to feel like home to the Crimson Owl,a roost,a nest. But a bird long flown and roosted somewhere will felt alienated upon her return to her place of origin. Much so,a disgraced one. one who defy her father's order.

The lady of the Palace,Jungsoon certainly did not hide her contempt towards the returning Owl. Upon learning of Jungeun's temporary dismissal as commander of the Owl's Roost fortress,she almost added to Jungeun's shame by trying to confiscate the heirloom sword of the Northern Jeollan Kim,the Eclipse. But thanks to their mother's interference,the sword remains in Jungeun's hand. Simply because lady Jungah,the matriarch of the Northern Jeollan Kim would see no use of that sword in the hand of Jungsoon,whom never trained nor educated in the martial side of matters. Or worse,might gave that heirloom sword to her favorite courtier,the preacher known as High Owl. Pompous name,Jungeun once remarked.

anyone who dare put the word High in front of their name could see themselves as equal to the High King,a most preposterous gesture. A man that needs to be taught of his rightful place.

Even with the help of lady spymistress Seonnok's network of spies,Jungeun couldn't found much about that man,that High Owl. The small,thin and hard eyed-grey haired man with heavily lined face. Some said he's a priest who has walked all over the realm,often come to villages that were too small to have their own temples and places to worship the Harmonious One. Some said he's a religious zealot who worked tirelessly to undermine her father's reign.

Which one is the truth,Jungeun will found out. If it's the former,then,it would be dangerous,especially if he was given such lofty position as Harmonious Abbott of the Xian Order,from which he can launched a decree that urge the faithful to take arms against any they consider hostile or heretic. Father certainly fit the bill...heretic,in their eyes.

Jungeun took a lungful of air before she enter Hanok Palace's main hall.

"little sister,what are you doing here? You're not part of my council" said Jungsoon,coldly,upon seeing Jungeun entered the hall. The High Owl seated closest to her,with Ogeum,that blood-stenched smelled warrior monk standing on her right side. Old Lord Ree Kwangho,Kang Cheolmin,Rim Jaeguk the blind spearman and her mother lady Jungah rounded up the council members.

"So does him,what function does he serve? Aside from whispering venom to your ear" Jungeun said,staring daggers at the High Owl.

"he's my....religious advisor and you better treat him with respect. Guards...please escort lady Jungeun out of the premise,she-"

"She's here on behalf of the High King himself,to inform him about the crucial matter of the election of the new Harmonious Abbott. She need to be here" Jungah interfered. "you would not defy the High King's order now do you,child?"

Jungsoon exhale heavily before continuing "very well then,gave her a seat."

"Don't bother,i'll take it myself." Jungeun said,walking to one corner of the room and took a chair,then seated right next to her mother.

"let's begin then,lord Ree,i tasked you to oversee my cousin Jungwoo's ascension as the new Count of Wanju,how fare it goes?"

"it goes smoothly,my liege. Although he still resistant to welcoming the Nuzheni refugees to his land,on account he hold a grudge against them for slaying his father in the war up north"

"let him be. it is egregious of my father to expect those who lost their loved ones to shelter the enemy who took them. You lost your secondborn son to them too i remember"

"aye,my lady. i share Count Jungwoo's stance and grief regarding this matter"

"but nonetheless,words of the King must be followed. Lord Ree,i suggest you try to forego your grudges" Jaeguk thus spoke

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