Chapter 46 : Swornspear

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Mansik I

Spring. It is always Mansik's favorite season. The feeling of new chapter,and the whole hopeful feeling it carry. a new leash of life. As he rode among the vanguard in front of columns of returning soldiers,victorious,morale of the soldiers behind him is high. Grateful for being able to returning home and able to gain something from it.

In his servitude on these war and in all these years,he never really expecting anything in return. Being free from his own father's dismay is a reward on its own. Free to do what he's best at: fighting,with his venomous spear in hand and protect what he ordered to protect. A simple vow, a simple life for a simple soldier,born and raised to follow order. never in his wildest dream,he'll be rewarded such highly,to wed a King's daughter, a princess,so to speak,even though the High King never considered or bestowed upon that title to any of his daughters. But still,the distinction and honor is apparent. For Mansik and the whole realm to see.

Wonder if i worthy enough,but i can't refuse such boon

Along the road,peasants gathered to catch a glimpse of the mighty High King and his armies who valiantly quelled a nomadic tribes that oft savaged the border. Awe,admirations and grateful words are thrown by many. With a healthy dose of caution,as the crowd also saw the conquered horselords also marched alongside them.

By the side of the road,among the crowd,he noticed a little girl holding a flower inching closer as if wanting to gave it,sitting on a man's shoulder. So does the High King noticed,as he ordered the column to stop for a moment and dismount from his black stallion,Mansik followed him closely,as he approaching the man and the little girl.

the man,understandably flustered by the approaching presence of the High King was about to kneel,but stopped before he could do so. the girl on his shoulder,seems like no older than seven gave the High King the flower,a hibiscus flower,Mansik noticed,in gold color.

Turns out,the man's trade is a florist. When asked about the girl's name,the High King paused for a moment,with heavy pang of solemnity written in his battle-hardened face.

"Kana" he said solemnly "my mother's name". The florist apologize profusely,as he thought naming his daughter after the King's mother would seem as an insult,but the High King brushed it aside "you did no wrong,the honor is mine. Do raise her with care" he said,whilst fixing the little girl's loose black hair and tucked it gently behind her ear. The King then ordered Mansik to gave the florist small ounce of gold,which the florist initially refuse. "it is rude to refuse a King's offer. Take it,for the flower". The florist then relent and accept it.

The flower then nestled comfortably in between the clasping of the High King's cape on his right shoulder. As he ordered the column to continue marching towards the destination; the Longclaw castle,where the High King's grandson awaits. The first one of many,he said with hopeful smile the night before at the campfire. "you're going to give me one too,soon,eh Mansik? from Chaewon" the harmless teasing yet expectant words swirling in Mansik's head like a nest of hornet. Made it even worse when his own serpent-like eyes met with the doe eyes of Chaewon's own when the column continued to march pleasantly through the countryside of Gangwon province. Now butterflies also nesting in his stomach. Twice. figuratively.

Intermittent stoping were still frequent,primarily if the columns stopped by the mustering grounds peppered throughout the path,as each accompanying soldiers returning home with pay and additional wealth if they managed to get their hands on one.

silk,leather hides,Nuzheni's trinkets they salvage (or looted) from their previous owners. In addition of tax exemption for the next three moons. Soldier-peasants,men-at-arms aged sixty or more are also granted pension pay from the royal coffers itself,that is significantly growing enough to allow the High King to enact such edict,after he sold plenty of loots from the war and numerous gifts from thankful Magisters and Masters whom their lands safely returned from the grasp of the Nuzheni. paid by the eager Siamese Merchant Princess,a Yontararak he came to contact with,through Song Yuqi,the newest additions to the High King close confidant. along with the Nuzheni chieftain Nuerhachi himself and the majority of the conquered confederation of tribes now followed the High King in his progress as to helped them settled and surveyed in lands he visited.

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