Chapter XXXI

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Heejin III

Heejin broke her fast under the persimmon tree that grew in the high terrace garden,watching dozen children chase each other blissfully. For a moment,Heejin forgot she was inside a war torn city.

Anshan had a score of fortification,but none stood even half as tall or as stout as the holdfast that Heejin's army currently occupy. From here she could see the entire city: the narrow alleys and wide streets,the temples and granaries,hovels and palaces,brothels and bath houses,gardens and fountains and beyond the walls was the Liao river,dry brown hills ,burnt orchards and blackened fields.

Soyeon served her quail eggs and sausage,with half cup of water. The food drew flies,

"I must do something about these bothersome flies" Heejin said,while frantically swipe her hand around. "Did our men finished burying the dead?"

"Almost." Soyeon answered,now sitting beside Heejin. Her sharp slanted eyes now too longingly looked at the children frolicking about. Heejin noticed Soyeon wear something different, a new surcoat over her armor.

"I like your new surcoat,quartered apricot tree and the Hare of Jeon in pink field."

"I hope you don't mind. This sigil is stained. Of treacherous House it belongs. My own." Soyeon said,glumly

"Oh,never mind that. the surcoat of my army had torn apart last time i saw. you had no other choice. You have to bear the Jeon Hare on your chest,since you're one of us,Soyeon-unnie" Heejin said while wearing a reassuring smile. "i'll make sure your name and your House received it's royal pardon for your great service to me,throughout this war." Soyeon response was a solemn and thankful nod throughout the long is it now..i lost count....three moon's turn..shit,Heejin get a grip. The war indeed already entered the third moon,the march started at the beginning of autumn,winter is approaching. I need to make sure my men is well fed.

Heejin had sent all her bannermen save for Jang Hanbin and Eum Gyesong, to nearby countryside,especially villages with many Goryoan as it's inhabitant,who she thought would be sympathetic to their cause.

At first,some of her more proud bannermen protested that idea,practically begging for food from peasants whom perhaps don't have enough food themselves to survived winter. But after realizing they had no other choice,they had to comply.

After she finished her meal,Hanbin came to gave her a report: General Ung Jeom and Jung Jinhyuk with his bannermens of Southern Jeollan has arrived from Dalian and asked for Heejin's presence at the court below.

"How's the patrol last night,quiet i hope?" Heejin asked the Hunter while descending the serpentine stone steps

"It is,my lady. Order has been restored as per your command. For now,at least. eight murderer's hanged,dozen pair of hands from looters,thieves...and the city have three new eunuch,former rapists. Might gave them to the Emperor or Magisters if they wanted."

Heejin was pleased to hear that,as new fallen cities always suffered,chaos comes after the fall and atrocities oft occurred,both by the invading army,the occupants of the city or the remnants of defeated army. She needs to be firm. If not,the city will consume itself.

At the echoing high ceilinged room with walls of polished wood,old broad-shouldered General with shaggy grey-white beard and stern gaze awaits her,alongside the golden haired blue eyed Jinhyuk clad in blue-sky armor with his two-score of bannermens.

"Lady Heejin,glad to see you in good health in these trying times" Ung Jeom welcomed her with courteous bow.

"I didn't see the Black Hare around?"

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