Chapter XXXIX

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High King IV

The place where the Trial of Seven to be held was a grassy sward dotted with pale grey mushrooms and raw stumps of felled trees.

"seems like we're the first to arrive,your grace" Song Yuqi said as they reined up amidst the stumps,between the champions,Chaewon,Lady Kim and couple hundreds of the royal guard. The crowned tiger of his House flapped and fluttered atop the lance carried by Juntae. "the gall of these savages,made us wait" the giant laughed.

Ran Geun's scout has reported that the Nuzheni foragers had cut the trees down for their siege towers and catapults. The reports surprised himself,if he's to be blunt. Back then when his mercenary band was employed by the Vastlander Magistrates that border the steppes,it was unheard of,the Nuzheni capable of such things. This Nuerhachi is not the usual chief. At the same time it amused him. Even after repeatedly beaten by Hyejoo and Ung Jeom...siege towers and catapults. They think they still had a chance against me. Fool.

He saw in front of him the walled city. Across the rain-sodden fields and stony ridges. The last bastion of resistance. The end of war is near. And perhaps the end of his reign. He had a plan to abdicate,left the kinghood behind and return to his idyllic fishing village to live out the rest of his days. His strength and his wits are still there,he thought to himself. But perhaps it is time to consider succession seriously this time,when his wits and strength still there. Geom read enough history to know that even the greatest Kings and Emperors had a hard time with succession. the realm that they built oft plunge into chaos when the ruling monarch died. He did not wished that fate to befall his. The nobility will decide who will succeeded me. They will choose among my sons or daughters if they so wishes...or should i gave them choices among them?

The walled city gates then brusquely opened. From it emerges seven horsemen and a priestess cowled in white,gave them her blessings.. War Priestess...been a while since i saw one. reminds him of Xuanwu,his War Priestess of old. He missed her quite a lot and pray for her soul every day. The fact that she can't see the fruit of his conquest oft saddened him.

The War Priestess usually roam the land and attached themselves to any warriors they deemed worthy of their services. Never hard to do that since the Order always handpicked attractive young girls,war orphans or maidens sold by their parents. brainwashed them to their ideals. Warlords and all sorts of warriors would glad to have an attractive female with vast knowledge of warfare to their side,even some would go to great length to acquire,trying to find them themselves. difficult task that one,since the Order do not have a permanent temple or shrine,they constantly move and very secretive. She picks the wrong horse to back, this one,poor lass.

" we are on this open field at dusk. Brings back memories eh? Wished Ogu is here" said Juntae,while handing over the lance over to nearby soldier.

"the realm needs a guardian while we here. You should know that" Kwangjo replied,brandishing his long lance and pulled up a massive shield on his left

"yea...i know. So...first blood on me eh?" his squire then handed him a tall glaive. He turned his sight on the High King and received a respectful nod.

One of the opposing horsemen then charged into the direction of the King. Juntae,on foot rushed against him,since he's a massive bulky man,he can't ride a horse,not even the biggest stallion could support his weight but for a man of his size,he can move swiftly,his movement in battle never cease to amaze the High King even after all these years,the big man he encounters one day in the wild,wrestled bear with his bare hands.

He made short work of the incoming riders,by chopping the rider's horse foot beneath him. The rider fell forward and immediately lost his head,decapitated cleanly by a swing of Juntae's massive war glaive,freshly forged for the occasion. "BAHAHAHHAA one down! Six to go!" he roar,holding the rider head. He walked back to the High King's side and threw the head beneath his horse. "today's harvest,your grace" he said,nonchalantly.

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