Chapter XXXV

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Jungeun V

The trumpets carried by Jungeun's standard-bearer made a brazen blare, and cut the still blue air of dusk. Heralding the arrival of Jungeun and her retinues of lost soldiers she encounters in her journey to Dalian. Nearly hundred of them. Men from various part of the peninsula,rally behind the banner of the owl. Scattered about the countryside,lost and vulnerable to Nuzheni's prowling outriders, surely the sight of her banner promised them safety.

"Who's there?" said the sentry atop the battlements of the city wall.

"Damn you soldier! Did you not recognize my banner?! I am General Kim Jungeun,commander of the 1st North Jeollan Army,i demand entry."

Realizing his error,Jungeun could see the sentry scurried immediately and shouted command to open the gates.

She dismounted upon entry,along with other knights and men-at-arms that follwed her. Three weary-looking soldiers greeted her and sent for a squire

"who's in charge here?" she asked the squire that took the rein of her horse

"Commander Jungwoo,ma'am.,son of the late Count Jungnam."

Cousin's here...and uncle's dead too huh. Even Jungnam the Persistent can't resist death

"leave that horse,show me to his tent. You two,show the rest of my men your encampment. Tend to their wound and feed them."

Soon,she arriving at a command tent,erected nearby the presumably-formerly the main city ground. A shaggy man clad in gilded ringmail with owl surcoat and a fox-fur cloak soon emerged from it not long after the squire had entered.

"Jungeun!" he roared and hugged tightly,almost lift her off the ground "What a pleasant surprise! We're not expecting ya!" he put her down and took a closer look to Jungeun's face "eh? you look more gaunt the last time we met"

"yea? Well,try rode through the Nuzheni-infested countryside for a moon and you'd be gaunt too." She said,with saddened smirk.

"heh,well,come on in then,make yourself at home."

Following Jungwoo's directives,Jungeun entered the tent

"Sorry for your loss. I heard of uncle's death on the way here. He fought valiantly,i heard." She offered her condolences as she sat on the chair,across Jungwoo

"Likewise, i mourn for Yujin's passing. I vow,cous,so long as that damned Nuerhachi still alive, i will not cut my hair. Until my father's and her is avenged." Contempt was thick in his voice.

"So...what do i owe this pleasant visit. The squire told me you came with smaller column of men,barely worth it to be called a proper army."

"I'm here for Jinsol. I'd heard that Yenlong's men had found her whereabout."

"the Tallfish eh, well, you came just in time. We're gonna discuss how to break her free this afternoon. If the Crimson Owl would like to join the rescue mission,surely,no one would object."

Jungeun let out a relieved sigh "that's good to hear."

"Don't you worry,cous. She'll not break easily. She's alive,i knew it in my gut."

"any other parties here that might help with the rescue effort?"

"aye,aside from Yenlong...under direct instruction from lady Yerim's. We got reinforcements from two of the foremost Taiyuan nobility among our sides. Two haughty looking lady,accompanying the Magister of Liaoning,arriving couple moons ago.

Haughty aye,but both have regal looks on them,heck i never saw Imperial Princesses but i damn sure they look like one.

The ladies,Chou Tzuyu of Tainan and Yeh Shuhua of Kaohsiung. Their father's are your father's old pal it seems. Eager to repaid your father's debts from the past,when he helped them repelled their respective rivals. So i've been told."

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