Chapter II

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Black Hare III

On his way to answer the Royal Summon,Black Hare and his men finally arrived in Cheonju,Capital of his beloved niece's domain,North Chungcheong.

Wasted no time,he immediately head towards Sangdangsanseong Castle,the seat of the governor.

Since the castle name was a little difficult to pronounce,to solve these issue,the builder of said castle and Founder of House Jeon, Lord Haeseong,later on always called it the Hare Hole.

Taken from the fact that he found many grey colored rabbit dug a hole around the castle's outer field,he also took the said animal as his sigil and gave him an idea to build many secret underground passage in his castle.
the name stuck.
For people outside of Northern Chungcheong,this Hare Hole nick-naming of an ancestral castle sounds like a mockery.

But Black Hare,nobles and the peasants of Northern Chungcheong may beg to differ.
This ancestral castle of House Jeon has survived many sieges,the castle never fell to an invader. Not even Geom the Conqueror. His massive army will starve first and lost interest in the castle after their provision run dry. Fortunately for him,he doesn't need to besiege the Hare Hole.

As previous Governor open it's gate and welcomed him and gave him his fairest of daughter to take and wed as concubine. A very Jeon-ish way to solve a crisis,Black Hare once said to Heejin back when she was a child.

The castle that located on the slopes of mount Uam was strategically build and contains many secret underground passage built,some are said to stretch so far to the shoreline of Southern Chungcheong Province. Hence why the Hare Hole name seems fitting.

A castle with many underground passage only the Hare's of Northern Chungcheong know its path and none of them,no matter how adventurous,knows all of its path.

Still vivid in Black Hare's memory when he finally become a man,after his rite of passage ritual,the 17 year old Black Hare guided by his father towards these secret underground path,these can be the difference between life and death his father said. He said the same thing to Heejin himself when she assumed her position as ruler of this castle.

The continuation of House Jeon of Northern Chungcheong lies in the knowledge of these secret path,for a Hare always become the prey of many predators,having a hole to burrowed in,has allowed their House to survive and breed and continued their existence for many year.

Pragmatic as always,Black Hare understood it very well. A Hare can't be the most intimidating creatures,but a Hare can breed many other Hare. When a Head of the House is dead,many could replace it. And so does the cycle of life continue unopposed and unhindered.
Speaking of breeding like a rabbit,House Jeon had many cadet branches of family. Born of bastard sons and daughters of the Hare. three of them rise to prominence and become a ruler in some of the territory within North Chungcheong.

House Jang that ruled Chungju are one of them,had long been faithful to House Jeon for many years. Giving them the finest soldiers and commanders for the protection of the Province,the same can be said for House Jin of Jincheon. oftentimes Head of House Jin and Jang going so far to forsake and disowned their own son if they seemed incapable to led an army or incapable to become a soldier. inability to bred a commander and warrior is intolerable failure for these two proud Houses. These two cadet branch has always feuding intensely,the title of Head Commander of House Jeon is the prize they always fight for. Black Hare knows these two Houses very well,fight beside them and settled a peace between them whenever they often disagreeing with one another,A task that Black Hare despised the most.

And if these army wounded in battle or war,the physicians of House Je that ruled Jecheon will patch them up. They served as court physician for the Head of House Jeon for many years. Some said the titles are hereditary to them.

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