Chapter XXXII

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Jungeun IV

"They have my daughter...and killed the other..." The High King said.

"they do,your grace" the messenger's voice was dulled with exhaustion. On the breast of his torn surcoat,the black rabbit sigil of Daejeon half obscured by dried blood. Other wore a red fox surcoat,obscured all the same.

Jungeun could only sat there,aghast. One of Goryo greatest naval commander defeated at sea and taken captive. While the Grand Commander of River Watch slain in battle. Cursing herself in her own mind,on how she wished to be there by Jinsol or Yujin's side...the outcome might become different. All of a sudden,her forehead throb again in pain,as if that previous wound opened once more,she touched her's dry. But her fear has come to life. She lost one half-sibling..and at risk of losing another.

Her father's assembled commanders and his direct bannermens from Gyeonggi had fallen very quiet as the courier told their tale and informed them about the condition and whereabout of their respective armies. The only sound accompanied the courier,Haeseong's report was the crackle and hiss of the log burning in the hearth at the end of the long,drafty common room of a castle which Jungeun's managed to capture,she's the first one to breach the gate 3 nights ago. Jilin and Nuerhachi is just at the tip of Goryoan army spear,only one thrust remaining...but now..

That fucker... He can sued for peace in exchange of Jinsol's life.

All the hardships of long relentless march north,her fallen soldiers,all the sweet victory Jungeun had tasted like ash to her lips...all for naught if Nuerhachi is not slain.

"Your grace...should we ask to parlay with these horselord and sue for peace?" Chin Gonglim eloquently suggest amidst the heavy silence. Four of his kin stood behind him.

"Craven bastard!" Siwoo growled,pushing himself up and pointing his finger at the weasel-like face of Gonglim.

"your grace,we should assault Jilin right now! what if it's a ruse? We can't let him slip from our fingers!" he continued. Many other commanders nod,murmured or sounded their agreement to Siwoo's word.

"father,we should wait for more words from Sir Yenlong's army" Hyuntae added,his stoic older brother nodded beside,with a new scar across his right eye,he glare back to the High King.

"the majesty Emperor wished for a swift conclusion to this war,your grace. So does the displaced Magistrates and Masters,they grew anxious,fearing you might hold on to their lands. My countrymen at the Nei Menggu border reported more and more waves of other horselord tribes come pouring down from the steppe,eager to help Nuerhachi. We must not allowed them to link up." Yuqi said.

"your grace...what's your order?" Seonghan asked "if you wished to press on,our supply lines can hold. I'll make sure of it." he add.

"Press on or sued for King, this humble strategist would help you made it so. whichever you choose,we would not think less of you." Ran Geun assured him.

Still,the High King stood in silence,studying each and every one present in that common room including Jungeun.

It is quite a distance between him and the Crimson Owl,but Jungeun could still see clear in his eyes..weary and in grief,doing his best to masked it all. Owlet...what should i do? was the unspoken question he asked her. On Jungeun's right shoulder,her mother's steel clad hand held it tightly,shaking,out of fear or fury Jungeun didn't know,she dread to see her mother's face. all she could do right now is to held those hand gently to make them stop.

"They have my daughter...and killed the other...leave me...all of you"

Ever the obedient commander, Jungeun rose to depart with the rest.

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