Chapter XXI

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Hyejoo II

They say yawn is a contagious thing. Well,that phrase ringing true. As Hyejoo yawn after Bya for like a hundred times today,while leaning on Bya's rib,the jet black wolf are easier to control after her ravenous appetite for man's flesh satiated. At some point,Hyejoo even wondered and fear that Bya will grown fat.

The hell you're thinking Hyejoo,you got other things to worry about

Hyejoo sprung up,her hand crossed in front of her chest,frowning and pacing restlessly,looking for a solution. A strategy. She stop for a moment,gazing at the surrounded fortress above the hill where she stood. If only she could,she would've tear it down by her bare hand.

Hyejoo had a fair share of battles or raids in her belt,but it never cross her mind that besieging a fortress could be the most dull and frustrating matter in warfare,aside from counting and maintaining provision,that's for her brow-beaten bookeeper half-sibling like Heejin or Sooyoung to do. No,that kind of task is not for her.

Never in her expectation that she will face opposing commander like Kang Cheolmin or Black Hare,those who specialized and pride themselves for the warcraft of castle defense.

In the quest to liberate or in Hyejoo's own agenda to take the Heilongjiang province,there stood her greatest opponent to date: the Zhangguancai Fortress garrisoned by Surhachi,Nuerhachi's younger brother. Soojin once heard about this Nuzheni commander,she said that he was like a pure iron,black of hair and heart,hard and strong,but brittle the way iron gets. He would rather break than bend. He would rather die than surrender.

The fortress,named after the ridge where it stood, surrounded by steep flanks of the hill, made assaults on the fortress difficult and near impossible. In addition, it commanded excellent fields of view and fire over the surrounding countryside,Nuzheni bowmen are deadly,she can't afford another needless bloodshed to scale the wall or digging underneath the wall to tear it down below, for the soil near the fortress are hard as solid ice. The sheer height of the fortress located near the mountaintop made the fort safely out of range from any siege weaponry on Hyejoo's disposal.

Starve the garrison out is the only way to take the fort,Hyejoo cannot risk her rearguard under constant danger of attack,she need to take this fortress before continuing the march to Harbin. The only problem is,Hyejoo doesn't have the patience for it nor the time or provisions. Starving opponent's out could take weeks,even months and winter is near,Hyejoo could ill-afford to let her army starved themselves due to the harsh winter in the mountainous Heilongjiang. Ravaging the countryside for food is also out of question,her father made it clear that they are the liberator and not an invader. Sacking and plundering smaller town or village is forbidden,lest they risk invoking the fury of both the High King and the Emperor.

Add to that the matter of reinforcement. The bulk of Nuzheni forces are just nearby at Harbin,Surhachi has repeatedly sending pigeon and messenger, so far all of them has successfully intercepted by Toejo,one of her Wolfpack member. but Hyejoo wouldn't want to risk anything. She wants total victory with as little casualty as she could prevent.

Should i ask father to sent Ran Geun? No. He needs him. Curses! If only Ara-unnie let Ogusuku march with Yisu,taking over castle and fortification will be much easier. Worse yet,Ren still haven't returned yet from Linkou.

Before being bogged down by the fortress located in the easternmost border city of Hailin,Hyejoo with her Wolfpack and the rest of combined Hamgyongan,Gyongsang,Daegu,Rason and Jeju forces has mowed through the Nuzheni defensive position,pacifying Muling,Yangming and Aimin in a span of a week. before finding themselves stuck in Hailin where the Zhangguancai Fortress lie.

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