Chapter XIV

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Yerim I

On the same midnight,in Yeocheon county,at the farthest north edge of Gyeonggi province. A seventeen year old girl is inside a tent,reading. She's Lady Yerim of House Choi,the Governor of Pyeongan province and the Lady of three different city: Pyongyang,Pyongsong and Sinuijiu. Although in practice,Yerim reside and ruled in Pyongyang.

The dark,grey,dim and sprawling city by the Taedong river is a city steeped in sorcery. Warlocks, wizards, alchemists, sunsingers, shamans,druids,exiled priests, black alchemists, necromancers, aeromancers, pyromancers,wave-whisperer, bloodmages, torturers, inquisitors, venomaster, godswives and goddess's consort, night-walkers, shapeshifters,beastmasters,exiled venomwrangler assassins, worshippers of many forbidden and forgotten sects,cults,gods,goddesses and other gruesome and grotesque deities, all find welcome in Pyongyang, where nothing is forbidden.

Here they are free to practice their spells and preach their faith without restraint or censure, conduct their obscene rites, and fornicate with demons if that is their desire. To rule such city is a monumental and dangerous challenge for anyone who's unfortunate enough to held it. The origins of Pyongyang are lost in history. Even in the Annals of House Choi that ruled it for roughly thousand years do not know who built it, stating only a city stood there since the world began and will stand there until it ends.Scholars find it difficult to discern the truth from the myth about this city.

Her two younger sister Yejin and Yerin are set to rule Pyongsong,the disputed ancestral land of House Choi and Sinuijiu respectively when they come of age. Currently Yerim's mother Yeseul ruled Pyongsong in her stead and her uncle Yenlong ruled in Sinuijiu,while also hold the position Commander of River Watch.

Yerim spent hours reading an old and aged tome inside her tent. Stacks of books,tomes,scrolls scattered throughout her vicinity,ranging from the most miniscule of subjects right up to the forbidden subjects,books and tomes that branded as dangerous and misleading by scholars from Hall of Worthies.

Her odd eyes of purple and deep black scour and devour each word ravenously,like a wolf in a middle of shepherds flock,reading page by page in efficient manner. At first glance of her in this state,one might be forgiven if they think this girl is described as gloomy or somber. But in reality,the girl was as cheerful as warm sunlight,smile never cease from her thin lips. In her childhood,she was a delight among servants and handmaiden in Gyeongbukgung palace. A bookish girl,courteous and optimistic in her demeanor,her father even once called her 'the sun of the north' and deemed her fit to rule the oft problematic city of Pyongyang.

But the same thing cannot be said about her House and her lineage. Choi is her family name,famed for and synonymous with dark arts and all that accompanies it. their banner of bats flying under a shadow of purple fields certainly fits the theme and adds more mysticism around them.

 their banner of bats flying under a shadow of purple fields certainly fits the theme and adds more mysticism around them

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House Choi are counted among the oldest and ancient house in Goryo Peninsula. The first Choi,known simply as the Shadowbinder established his House during the Ancient 12 Period,an age where 12 regional Kings reigning and battling each other for supremacy. and House Choi are one of the said king,as they once ruled Pyeongan and Chagang province as King of Kwanso roughly a thousand and a hundred years ago.

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