Chapter 43 : Reunited

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Heejin IV

As she left the city hall,finding Jeon Soyeon waiting,anxious was written on her face clearly. It is the first time Heejin saw her like this,she always calm and collected. No doubt awaits if her pardon was given or not,Heejin gave her a reassuring smile. "it's done." She said,lifting the anxiety from her swornsword's expression,changed with relief. "I could not thank you enough,my liege" she said. "serve by my side faithfully. That will sufficient." said the White Hare to her kin

A guard come rushing soon after,informing the army of Governor Chiwon and General Son arriving at the city gates. Beomseok excused himself to greet him and escort Chiwon to the city hall. Such menial task is below Beomseok position,Heejin thought. it could've been given to any of the High King's companions or commanders. It really took her by surprise seeing Beomseok as the one who greeted her too,previously. But he doesn't seem to mind. Heejin always saw Beomseok as dutiful kind of person,achieving task given to him accordingly,so it is not really out of his nature to do so.

Or perhaps the High King saw this as an opportunity for Beomseok to ingratiate himself with the lords and counts,be acquainted with them,made it easier to ask for their favors,if the time comes,as allies. Among the King's sons,Beomseok is the least known among them. Rarely ventured outside Jeju island,always shied away from the pomp of tournaments and such revelry,attend only if needed. Matter of succession too comes up on her mind,as she walked alongside Soyeon to the inn where her half-sisters currently reside,given the direction by Tozaki. Soyeon initially asked if Heejin wants to traverse the city inside her carriage,but the pathway is too small to fit,Heejin concur. She prefers to be walking anyway,made it easier to think. To think if Beomseok worthy to be the High King's heir. The crown prince,she mutters to herself.

Arriving at the modestly sized inn,she's greeted by another of her father's man,the giant Juntae. Welcoming her with wide smile that she recognized well,a huge jugs of beverage in his hand,alcoholic definitely,judging by the giant's reddened face amidst the crowded place,teeming with Goryoan men-at-arms,soldiers and knights.

"AH! my lady Heejin! Care to join me?!" he said,with hiccups.

"No,am here to see my sisters. Do you know where they are?"

"OH." He put down the jug "follow me" he rose from his seat,staggering mildly. She and Soyeon follows him upstair to the more quiet part of the inn and stopped at one of the door,guarded by men wearing the Jung,the Park and the Owl Kim's sigil. Juntae announced her arrival and the door then opened,Heejin left Soyeon to guard just outside the room.

Inside,she found Chaewon examining Jinsol's hand,as she sat at the edge of the bed. Heejin rushed to gave Jinsol a hug "unnie...thank the gods you're safe". Trying her hardest to contain the relieved tears on her eyes.

"Heejin,i missed you too."

"rather than thanking the gods,you ought to thank me instead,or has the war has made you grown pious as well? I hope not" Jungeun said,just standing there near the door and close it.

As she let go of her hug and sat beside Jinsol,she looked at her arms "i heard your arm is injured,but,i don't see anything wrong with it"

"it looks fine from the outside,but on the inside there's something wrong with one of the nerve. Thus the shakiness when Jinsol-unnie drew an arrow" explained Chaewon.

"can it be fixed?" asked the Tallfish.

Chaewon shook her head slowly. "i'm sorry unnie,i can't."

"are you sure? Anything at all?" asked Jungeun.

"i could prescribe something that'll suppress the shakiness. But i can't rid it completely"

Jinsol let out a weak chuckle "crossbow it is then"

the Twelve-faced Moon: A Loona fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora