Chapter XXII

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Jinsol II

Aboard the Rainsinger,Jinsol sat atop a barrel inspecting her arrowheads and her composite bow. It's no Eye-piercer,the heirloom of House Jung currently in the possession of her older brother,but it served her well for many years prior too.

amidst her crew who steered her ship. Aboard beside her and her Shoals are 60 oarsmen below the upper deck and 150 soldiers,consists mainly of archers.

The panokseon sailing steadily towards Dalian,seaport of Liaoning province. By this time,the land troops under Ung Jeom should've arrived just outskirts of Zhuanghe. Hers and her brother's mission is to take Changhai county,an island district off the coast of Liaodong peninsula,to establish a naval foothold and supply lines for the land troops.

"Giguk! Saw anything yet?!" she shouts towards Giguk at the front of the deck. Deep in the night,dark and foggy,never an ideal situation for sailing,even worse for sailing into a hostile sea,it made her restless.

she can't see her ally fleet too. the Sea Tiger of Admiral Yi and Lotusclaw,Jinhyuk's flagship set sail with Rainsinger and her fleet from Incheon week ago,now separated by the thick fog.

"Can't see shit Cap!." The blacksmith-turned-scout shouts back.

"Squint your eyes more,you dolt!" she screams back.

"Bugger off!"

He's got the best night-eye among us and he can't see anything. I don't like that.

Sounds of sail hit by the wind and creak of wood from oar pushing the sea in her ear was briefly interrupted by a barfing sound behind her,as she saw a maiden vomiting her dinner out into an empty barrel. Jinsol approach her to hold her hair,as it would be un-lady like is it,hair besmirch with vomit.

"Bumpy ride,eh Miyeon?" Jinsol asked her new stewardess of Rainsinger and her father's attache. Jinsol accepted her into the Rainsinger crew,ecstatic even. She got someone to took care those that Jinsol care less,the stewarding side of the ship and finally,someone who can cook something in her ship,quite unusual too for a highborn girl be able to cook as ably as Miyeon.

"ah,must be embarrasing for a noblewoman from seaside county to be like this right? They ought to be compatible with the sea" she spat and straighten herself. "Thank you"

"well,its your first time sailing. Seasick comes with it,believe me,i fare worst than you during my...maiden" Jinsol handed her nearby clean cloth after letting Miyeon's hair go,glancing Miyeon's face,delicate and soft.

Within first glance Jinsol knew,battlefield and wartime strain does not suit her. Upon landing,she must capture some sort of fortification,a safe place for Miyeon to stay and write messages informing the High King's and Hyejoo's army accordingly.

"Where'd you go the first time sailing?" the way she asked her question now reminds her of Hyerin,heavily tinted with childlike innocence,going to war ought to made the mind wander home it said. Never knew it was really true.

"it's just an uninhabited slab of rock of the coast of South Jeolla. A short sail,with Admiral Yi in a simple cog. The skies clear blue and the sea too. We fished atop the boat for several hours,came empty handed,unfortunately. I beg the admiral to sail farther but he can't because father wouldn't let me. I was so mad at him i told Gam to escort me to Gyeongbukgung, i go all the way from Muan to Suwon so that i could scream at him,just like any other seven year old girl would do if they didn't get what she wanted."

Yellowcloak Gam,stood nearby added "you're quite a handful back then cap'n. Even worse when lady Hyunjin was with you,doing all sorts of mischief in the port."

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